Chapter 3

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"Forgetting is like a wound, the wound may heal, but it has already left a scar."

That night Katsuki locked himself in his room, all I could hear were the sounds of his raging heavy metal playlist. I sigh at his behavior and change into my work out clothes and walk downstairs. I plug my headphones in and was about to walk out the door but of course I was stopped.

"Kiyoko? Where the hell are you going this late?" I turn to look at my mom then look at the time on my phone.

"Mom it's only five, I'm going on my run, just like I do every night?" I say looking at her confused. She sighs and shakes her head.

"I'm so sorry I didn't even realize what time it was, I just woke up from my damn nap and confused myself." I roll my eyes  at her and nod my head walking out the door.

"Don't you roll your damn eyes at me young lady." She says sternly, I roll them again looking at the ground.

"Yeah, yeah whatever you say." I say pissed off and try to leave but of course am stopped once again.

"Kiyoko I swear to fuck, drop your fucking attitude this is ridiculous. Why can't you be more respectful like Katsuki and not be such a bitch all the time?!" She yells and slams something on the ground.

"Respectful?" I turn around looking at her shocked. "He calls you an old hag and swears at you more than I ever have. If that's what your ass calls respect I can't imagine what you consider disrespect. Have a good night, I'll be home late." I say slamming the door and putting my headphones in pissed the hell off.

My mom and I have never had the best relationship, I think it was because she didn't know about me throughout most of her pregnancy. Katsuki's big ass head blocked my entire body until she hit her third trimester, she's always talked about only wanting one child but getting stuck with two.

Yeah she doesn't know I know about that, perks of being so quiet, I hear everything. Katsuki doesn't know about it either but I can't really tell him, he'd just blame himself. Not that I would really care, they both treat me like they want nothing to do with me. Hell no one wants anything to do with me in that house. I fucking hate it there, I would run away tomorrow if it meant being free.

As I continue my run I can't help but slow down at the playground by our house, I eventually stop running and just stare at one place I used to feel peace. The one place that used to bring me happiness.. But that all changed in a blink of an eye.

Eight Years Ago.

I laugh loudly chasing my brother through the twists and turns of the playground, I don't know how he's so fast! But finally I catch him by using my water to push me forward and tackle him. He stands up quickly and glares at me.

"I said no quirks! That's cheating!" I tilt my head confused.

"You never said that Kat!" He glares even harsher and comes close to me.

"I said quit calling me that! We have a quirk now! We're not a kid anymore, grow up!" I look down at the ground ashamed for making it him upset. "Wanna know what, since you think you're better than me, let's fight!"

"Wait Kat no-"

Next thing I know he's charging at me, I quickly make a shield out of my water and take a few steps back getting into a crappy fighting position. I shield my body as he charges at me but.. I didn't expect him to aim for my face.. with his quirk.

Suddenly I'm struck and I fall to the ground, I feel my skin burning and a scream escapes my mouth. I feel the tears pouring down my cheeks hurting the burn even more, making me cry even harder. I look up at my brother to see him staring at me in shock and crying himself.

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