Chapter 10

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"Your eyes speak the truth when everything else is a lie."

I find myself walking to school the next day covered in bandages. The doctor recommended I see our school nurse to finish the healing so wounds don't scar. But in all honesty, I want them to scar. I want to look down and see what I did, not what the heroes who were supposed to protect us did. But what I did, what I survived.

As I approach the school grounds I begin to go over in my head how I am going to talk to sensei about dropping out. I don't have a back up plan, I don't have anything. I just know that being a hero isn't what I want it's never been what I wanted, I just wish I knew what I did want.

As I walk into the classroom I see Iida in the front yelling, of course. It is way to early to have to listen to this shit man.

"Everyone! Homeroom's about to begin! To your seats!" The door closes behind me and Iida looks up at me surprised as does everyone else.

"Oh my gosh Kiyoko!" Mina yells rushing up to me and pulling me into a hug. My eyes widen but I don't know how to hug back. I don't think someone has hugged me in years besides Dabi last night.

"Umm hi?" I say confused.

"I'm so happy you're okay! I was so worried when I saw you pass out after all that!" I nod my head and look to see my brother looking anywhere but at me. Nice to know he fucking cares,he's probably wallowing in pity.

"I'm okay. But I have to get to my seat before sensei gets here so please excuse me." I say simply and she looks at me confused as I walk to my seat. My brother turns to talk to me but then Aizawa walks in.


"You're back already sensei?!" The class exclaims loudly making me roll my eyes. Of course he is, he's a big shot teacher. Unlike that stupid dick head.

"Glad to see you doing well sensei!" Iida yells out.

"My welfare isn't important, because your fight is far from over." I look up confused, he better not mean more goons or I promise I'll walk out right now. "U.As Sports Festival is fast approaching." I look at him confused.

"We just had a villain attack are you sure about this?" I look to the front and see the one kid with four arms asked the question. He's not fucking wrong though, how dumb is U.A?

"It's necessary to show that U.A cannot be brought down by this, it shows how powerful we are and the ability to overcome anything." I roll my eyes at this. "Compared to past years there'll be five times the police presence, any how the sports festival is the greatest opportunity you'll get."

I sigh annoyed making my brother give me a dirty look but I don't really care. I just want this to be over so I can talk to Aizawa about this shit. I don't want to participate, I want to go home and say fuck this school. I'm not risking my life for these senseless heroes anymore then I already have.

"Our sports festival is one of Japan's biggest events. The olympics were once the worlds sports festival. The whole country would be whipped into a frenzy over them. But as you know that tradition has shrunk in scale to a shell of its former self." Yeah cause the world only cares about quirks and heroes. "As far as Japan's concerned what's taken the place of the olympics is the U.A Sports Festival!"

"Why doesn't that surprise me." I mumble to myself, I feel someone kick me and look to see my brother glaring. I scoff and flip him off. A lot of the students are talking but I can't even focus on them right now.

"Naturally you'll gain valuable experience and popularity if you're picked up by a big-name hero. But your time is limited. Show the pros what you're made of here, and you'll make a future for yourselves. This happens once a year, so you've got three changes. If you're hoping to become a hero, this is an event you can't miss.!" I look around to see everyone smirking making me sigh, good thing I don't want to be a hero.

My brother turns to talk to me but as Aizawa is looking over his papers he looks up at me and I look at him. He nods his head. "Kiyoko, I need to speak to you in the hall." I nod my head and grab my bag following him into the hall.

"What's up kid?" I sigh and decide to just say it.

"I'd like to know what I have to sign to drop out." I say simply. His eyes widen in between the millions of bandages he's wearing.

"Drop out? Kiyoko you're one of the strongest ones here, you have the highest rankings and the best ability to become a hero. Why the hell would you want to drop out?" He says surprised.

"I appreciate the compliments but in all honesty sensei I never wanted to become a hero. My whole life I've been following my brother around like a lost puppy and he wanted to be a hero and now here I am. Having nightmares about knives, I can't even hold a knife right now did you know that? I'm fifteen years old, haven't even been in this school for a semester yet and already almost died. That's pretty fucked sensei." I say simply, but the words weigh heavy on him.

"Okay... how about this. Let's make a deal?" I sigh and nod my head.

"Fine. What's the deal?"

"Participate in the sports festival, if you still want to drop out after I will process the paperwork as soon as we return to the school." I weigh the option in my head, not like I really have a choice.

"Fine. But I want my seat moved to the back of the class. I don't want to sit near my brother anymore."

"That can be done. Are you guys okay? I've noticed you've been ignoring him for a few weeks now and you seem pretty upset with him." I nod my head.

"Yeah I am. I haven't talked to him really since we joined U.A, he never used to be this aggressive but now.. now I don't even want to be near him because he always ends up somehow hurting me and I can't handle it anymore." I say glaring at the now healed wound on my wrist.

"I understand, no one knows who they are until they come here and see the competition and it changes a lot of people. It changed me too at that age, but as I got older I realized that I needed to be true to myself. Now the sports festival, it's in one week. I would like you to take the week off to recover, train, whatever you need to do. I will be telling the whole class about the week off as well. Go grab your bags and head home, you're excused for the day." I sigh and nod my head thinking about the words that sensei said to me.

I walk into the classroom and grabbed my bag, as I'm walking down the aisle my brother grabs my wrist and gives me a look, a look that means we will be talking when I get home. I yank my hand out of his grip and glare at him before leaving the room ignoring everyone's questions.

As I walk out of the school I pull my phone out and decide to send a text to the only person who can train me in ways I need trained and he responds almost immediately.

Don't worry doll, they won't know what hit them. Meet me at the park tonight.


Did you guys like this chapter? I know it was short but I didn't want to add to much.

(I do not own the work of mha, only Kiyoko.)

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