Chapter 5

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"Smile, it irritates those who wish to destroy you."

Kirishima and I walk into the room where the bomb is and I sigh and take a look around. I have long range attacks and close combat, he is just close combat. I begin thinking quickly and eventually I get an idea.

"Okay.. I have an idea. But you might get hurt." He looks at me shocked but nods along as I explain the plan to him.

Suddenly, the temperature drops and the entire building is encased in ice, including Kirishimas feet. I quickly throw burning water on his feet melting the ice under him. I knew Todoroki was strong, but this.. this is insane. Then again, his father is Endeavor.

"Kirishima go. I'll handle Todoroki." He nods his head and rushes out of the room, how he is able to run on this ice? I have absolutely no idea. Ask the author. Wait.. what? I walk out into the hall and see him standing at the end, he looks at me surprised.

"Hey there buddy." I say shrugging making him glare at me.

"We're not buddies." He shoots ice towers at me and I smirk throwing boiling water his ice, when it all disappears and I am standing with not a scratch his glare darkens. "What the hell is your quirk?"

"Your worst fucking nightmare." I say smirking and charge at him avoiding all the ice.

I reach him quickly and throw an uppercut at him making him stagger back and throwing wave after wave of ice. I decide to continue launching boiling water at his ice until one hits me from the ceiling. I fall down on my stomach but quickly stand back up ignore the blood coming out of the back of my head.

"You're stronger than the rest. But we're still in different leagues." I smirk as I hear Kirishima in the ear piece.

"Are we really Todoroki? Or do you just have a stick so far up your ass that you think your better then everyone." He looks at me surprised. "Now it's my turn."

I rush towards him and launch water straight into his mouth and nose making him begin to gasp for breath. When he regains his breath I'm already rushing towards him again holding out my hands and launching water torpedos one after another.

Once I'm close enough to him I throw an uppercut and then I'm launched back by an ice wall. I groan as I smack my back against the wall creating a large dent. I look up to see him standing still, his skin beginning to turn blue and gasping.

"Kirishima now." I say quietly and he leaps out from behind the corner and wraps tape around Todoroki.

"The villians win!" I smirk as Todoroki looks at me in shock. I sigh and walk over to him ripping the tape off.

"That was a good match." I say simply and he glares and launches an ice wall at me. Oof someones pissed.

I turn around and send boiling water towards him and glare. I keep a continuous stream of the water and watch as it melts his half ice armor as he gasps in pain. When all the ice is gone I land a punch knocking him to the ground. He looks at me in shock.

"I don't know who you think you are, the match is over, launching an attack like that at a classmate cause you're throwing a temper tantrum is fucking pathetic. We are not enemies, hell I don't even want to be a hero yet I'm following the fucking rules you prick." I say almost growling at the last part and go to walk out until he stops me.

"If you don't want to be a hero.. then why are you here?" He asks staring at me confused. I turn around and walk backwards glaring.

"My stupid fucking brother made me." I say and leave the building and go back into the training room area.

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