Chapter 9

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"It's better to be bitter then to be fake."




I wake up and glare at the heart monitor next to me. Of course I'm in the hospital. I look around to see flowers, and cards, and stuffed animals everywhere. I must of been out for a while with this much stuff everyone. I hear the door open and the nurse looks at me slightly shocked but smiles.

"Kiyoko! How do you feel hun?" I look at her with a blank face.

"Like I was stabbed, electrocuted, and got my ass kicked." I say annoyed making her sweatdrop.

"Well, that all did happen, you've been out for a day and a half." I nod my head looking out the window. "I'll go talk to the doctor and see when you can be released if you're feeling up to it." I shrug my shoulders not really caring at the moment. "Umm.. your brother is here, would you like to see him?" I yet again shrug my shoulders. I don't give a fuck about anything right now.

She leaves the room and I sigh annoyed with everything. This stupid school, stupid heroes not protecting their students, everything is so fucking stupid. I don't want to do this anymore, I want to go home. I want to go to normal high school, I shouldn't be risking my life like this in high school.

I hear the door open again and just continue to stare out the window not even acknowledging my brothers presence. Like I said, I don't care about anything right now. I feel like a blank slate, like I have no ability to process my emotions. I should be sad and scared, but instead I just feel dead inside.

"Kiyoko?" I finally look at Katsuki and nod at him. "How are you feeling?"

"How do you think dumbass?" I say annoyed.

"What the fuck happened?" I look over at him and glare.

"What happened? What fucking happened?!" He looks at me surprised when I raise my voice. "What fucking happened is I got attacked by a group of goons who launched a knife into my back, electrocuted me, and almost killed me! All because that stupid fucking school doesn't know how to protect their students!" I say glaring at him.

"Kiyko they had no idea-"

"It doesn't fucking matter! The number one hero is a teacher at our school, do they not think that's going to cause us to be targeted?! I'm fucking fifteen years old and was almost killed all because I decided to go to class instead of staying home like I should've!" I feel my anger begin reaching its peak, finally ready to say everything I've been wanting to say since we started this stupid fucking school.

"What the fuck do you want them to do Kiyoko, check everyone who comes onto the grounds or something, we're heroes in training we should be able-"

"Keyword Katsuki, fucking training. We're not supposed to be dealing with this yet. We're kids." I say the last part quietly. "Do you have my phone?" he nods and hands it to me.

"Some kid name Dabi has been texting you a lot, I don't know who it is but I was ready to blow your phone up with his obsessive ass." I roll my eyes and read the messages.

Kiyoko are you okay?

Come on kid answer me..?

I swear to god if you don't respond I'm lighting your ass on fire.

Please be okay, please be okay.

You better not be to hurt or I swear.

I'm so sorry.

I should've told you.
I should've made you stay home.

Please don't hate me.

I stare at the messages with tears in my eyes. I need to talk to him, I need to see him. I don't know why I think talking to him will solve all my problems, I mean he's a villain.. But despite being a villain he's the only person who listens to me. He's the only one who gets it. Maybe.. just maybe..

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