Chapter 12

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"But I'm telling you, monsters aren't born. They're made."

1 week later.

I sit in the back of the prep room with a very cocky smirk on my face. Training with Dabi this past week has taught me so much, we met every evening and trained all night until the sun came up, well except last night so I could sleep enough for the festival. I haven't spoke to my brother since that night, I don't know if I'm going to. I just know I'm going to win.

I know what you're thinking, you're thinking I have revisited the idea of becoming a hero, but in reality it's the exact opposite. I have no desire left to become a hero, I only have desire to win. I want to prove that I am the best, but U.A failed. I want them to look at me leaving in surprise.

"Midoriya." I look up to see Todoroki speaking with the green haired fool. I smirk slightly excited to watch the show. Damn what I would do for some popcorn right now.

"Todoroki? What is it?"

"Objectively speaking, I'm stronger than you. More capable."

"H-huh? Well sure!" I look at Izuku in surprise, well at least he knows he's not the best, even being that bastards little prince he knows that he ain't shit.

"All Might's got his eye on you, doesn't he?" That stupid blonde fuck... "Now I'm not about to pry into why that is, but.. I will beat you." Ah, a declaration of war, how beautiful.

"Ooh! A declaration of war from the strongest in the class?!" I look at Kaminari and roll my eyes.

"Hey man, why pick a fight now?! We're about to go on.." I yet again roll my eyes. Don't these people realize that we're enemies right now?

"I don't really care, I'm not pretending to be anyone's friend here."

I feel my phone buzz and pull it out, blushing slightly at the name. Dabi and I have gotten much closer in the past week of training. I know that what I'm feeling isn't just a friendly feeling but I can't pursue anything. I don't want to push him away or ruin anything because of it. I open the message and smile.

I'll be watching doll. Don't worry I won't be seen, but I will be supporting you. Show them who you are, and don't let me down.

I nod my head at my phone, a new determination coming through. I look up to see Izuku making some crazy declaration. Saying he's going to defeat Todoroki, I roll my eyes at his banter. But my brother seems very pissed off about it, maybe it's because he wanted to be challenged, cause of course he's the best out of everyone. Note the sarcasm.

But little does he know who the new best is. Little does he know what hell I went through this past week. Little does he know that today, today I'm going to destroy my brother. Today I'm going to come out on top and show these heroes that they're aren't the top of the game anymore.

I get up with the rest of the class leaving my phone in the room of course, I can't help but to smirk at the new feeling in my body. I feel as though I'm stronger then I've ever been, maybe it's just that I finally have confidence. I'm not in my brothers shadow anymore..

"It's U.As sports festival!! The one time each year when our fledgling heroes compete in a ruthless grand battle!! First up, you know who I'm talkin about! The miraculous rising stars who brushed off a villain attack with their steely willpower!!" Not all of us did though.. I was to weak.. But now.. now I'm going to destroy anyone who steps in my way. I'm going to make sure these heroes know who their true enemy is.

"The first years.. of the hero course.. It's class A!!"

I look around at the crowd in awe, there sure is a lot of people here.. Good thing I have no problem showing them all up. Just to crush everyone's spirits.

"They're really giving us to much credit.. But we won't let it shake us right Bakugo?" I look over and realize he's talking to my brother.

"Nope, just gets me pumped up." He looks at me and I look at him and shrug not really caring, he walks over to me and sighs. "Listen up shit head. I am going to demolish you. This new attitude you have today thinking you're better than everyone. No one is better than me. I'm going to destroy you." I tilt my head to the side smirking.

"Whatever you say kid. You're at the bottom of the totem pole compared to me. I can't wait to kick your fucking ass for doubting me." I say smirking and talking as if I have already won.

"Now for the athletes oath!" I look up to see Midnight standing on a platform and roll my eyes at her ridiculous outfit. This is why female heroes get viewed as objects.

"R-Rated? Should she really be in a high school?"

"Shut it!! Pipe down, your student representative is.. From class 1-A Katsuki Bakugo!" I roll my eyes at this. He's going to make a fool out of himself.

I watch him walk up the platform and stand next to the hero glaring at me and the whole stadium. I roll my eyes at his childish antics, of course he is going to make this all about him. Just like everything else in the world is about him.

"The athlete's oath.. Make no mistake about it.. I'm going to defeat my sister and take first place!!"

The class looks at me in shock and I smirk, bout time he realizes I'm a challenge. I hear the crowd and the students booing him to get off the platform. He just made our whole class a target and I can't wait to see what comes out of it. But I know why he said this, he's pushing himself. He's forcing everyone, including himself to think he's the best. But he won't know what's going to hit him when I get to whoop his ass.

"Now without any delay, let's get the first event started. These are the qualifiers, it's in this stage that so many are sent home crying every year! And the fateful first event this year is.. An obstacle course race!!"

I look at the board smirking, Dabi and I had been doing stamina training alongside quirk training. I'm going to come ahead everyone, no one has to doubt me on that. I feel someone staring at me and look around to see Dabi sitting on top of the stadium with a mask on and a different outfit, I smirk at him. He puts his hand to his head as a mock salute, how cute.

"It's a race between every member of all eleven classes, the course is a four kilometer lap around the stadium itself. Our course preaches freedom in all things, so as long as you don't go off the course anything is fair game!" I smirk and walk to the starting line, but I don't go to the front I go a few rows back.

"Racers to your positions... START!"


Here we go boys and girls..

Once again I do not own MHA, only Kiyoko.

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