Chapter 7

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"When things really hurt you, they make you quiet."

I wake up and sigh seeing that it's already eleven in the morning. I should probably go to school, showing up late is better then not showing up at all. I get out of bed and take a shower avoiding the burn on my arm, the hot water will only make it worse.

When I get out I apply more burn ointment and wrap it in gauze once again and begin putting my uniform on. I look myself over and put my hair into a ponytail and grab my bag leaving my room. When I open my door I see boba and a note sitting on the floor.


I'm sorry for hurting you. I shouldn't have taken things out on you, but this shit about not being a hero is bullshit. I'm sick of hearing that shit. Next thing I know you'll tell me you want to be a villian, fucking ridiculous. I hope to see you at school today.


I glare at the note so hard I find it completely soaked, damn quirk acting out. Hell maybe being a villain would be easier than being a hero. I mean think about it, no rules, being free... it sounds almost relieving...

I grab the boba and leave the house walking to school. I sigh and see that I won't get to school till about twelve forty five. Better late than never I guess. But hey, it is what it is.

I walk through the halls holding my late pass and walk in the door just as class begins. Sensei glares at me and I hand him my late pass, having already discarded the boba he has no idea about that thankfully so he won't blame that on me.

"Injury.. You're late due to an injury?" He says confused and I nod my head pulling up the sleeve of my blazer and showing the gauze. I feel the classes eyes on me but I pay no mind. "I'll let it slide this time, but don't make it a habit, and get checked out after our next exercise alright?"

"Yes sensei." I say simply and walk to my desk, I see my brother staring at me but choose to completely ignore him. I have no want in communicating with anyone today.

"Now for today's basic hero training, myself, All Might and one other will supervise. Preparing you for disaster relief, from fires to floods, It's rescue training!"I sigh, this is the last thing I want to do. "Hey, I'm not done. It's up to each of you whether or not you wear your costumes. Some are ill suited to this sort of activity. The training site is a bit remote so we'll be going by bus. That's it, get ready." I nod and stand up going to the locker room.

I see Katsuki try and talk to me but I just walk right past him and into the room. I go to my locker and pull out my hero costume to see most the girls doing the same. They keep glancing at me and I groan.

"What? Why the hell are you all staring?" I say fed up.

"Well, um, are you okay? We saw the gauze on your arm and were a little worried." I sigh when Mina asks that.

"I'm fucking fine." I say annoyed and close my locker leaving the room, yet again my brother is waiting for me.

"So are you just going to ignore me all damn day?" He snaps at me.

"I'm not ignoring you, I just have nothing to say."

I walk past him towards the bus to see iida calling out commands and doing his weird ass karate chop motion. What the fuck did I miss in the four hours I was late? I look to my left at Kirishima and he nods his head.

"Oh you weren't here! So there was a security breach and in the beginning Midoriya was class president but Iida acted so manly during the alarm he gave the job to him. It seems like he's taking this a little to far though." I chuckle but sweatdrop at the same time.

"Line up according to your I.D numbers! Fill those seats in an ordinary fashion!"

When we enter the bus I can't help but roll my eyes when I see the bus is the complete opposite of what he thought. The front has all the seats across from each other, the back is like a normal bus. I laugh and sit next to Kirishima in the front and listen to Iida.

"Darn it was this type of bus!"  Suddenly Tsu speaks up.

"I generally say what's on my mind, your quirk resembles All Mights." I look at her and nod my head slightly agreeing with her.

"R-really? Nah, I mean, I-"

"Hold up Tsuyu All Might doesn't get hurt though, they're already different in that way! But that sort of simple strength enhancing quirk is awesome! you can do a lot of cool stuff with that!" He holds out his arm and hardens it, I poke it and gasp at the fact it's literally a rock. "Not like my hardening, I'm good in a fight but it's real boring."

"This shit is awesome!" I say simply.

"You wanna talk about strong? And cool? That's gotta be the twins and Todoroki."

"But the male Bakugo is so unhinged, he'll never be popular, Kiyoko just doesn't seem to care." I shrug my shoulders, she's not wrong, I have no care to be a hero.

"WHAT'D YOU SAY FROG FACE?!" I roll my eyes at my brother.


"We've only barely started talking and you already showed us the unpleasantness of your shitty personality." Kaminari says making me smirk at how right he is.

"Yeah okay how about I pound that shitty personality into you?!" I roll my eyes and sigh thankfully when we reach the training grounds.

We walk into the training grounds to see multiple different incidents and disasters. I look around annoyed, I should've just stayed home. I have no want in being here. I miss my bed.

"There's the flood zone, landslide zone, and multiple other zones. Every disaster and accident you can imagine. I built this facility myself I call it the Unforeseen Simulation Joint." Huh, so USJ, like the studio. That's kinda cool I guess.

"It's the space hero thirteen!" Izuku yells.

"He's a gentleman hero who does his best work in rescue scenarios!" I roll my eyes at Ururakas fangirling.

"Thirteen where's All Might? I thought he was meeting us here." Sensei says annoyed as possible. Thirteen goes close to Sensei and they begin whispering to each other. What's the point of him even being a teacher here? He just comes and goes when he wants and doesn't seem to give a fuck about us.

"Before we start I have one or two points." I groan and throw my head back ignoring the glare from Aizawa. "As I'm sure many are aware my quirk is called black hole, it can suck in and tear apart anything, however my power could easily kill. I've no doubt there are some among you with similar abilities." Everyone glances and my brother, me, and Todoroki.

I begin to tune her out when I feel a strong pressure. I look around confused but something doesn't feel right, I see my brother glance at me confused but I pay no mind as I continue searching for the source. Then.. I see it.  A warp gate forming in the middle of the facility.


"Thirteen protect the students!"

"What the heck is that?! More battle robots?" I shake my head in anger. These are no robots.


"Thirteen and Eraser Head is it? According to the staff schedule All Might is supposed to be here.." The purple guy says.

"Where is he..? We've come all this way, and brought so many playmates.. All Might the Symbol Is he here?" So they're here for All Might huh.. Why doesn't that fucking surprise me.


Things are about to get spicy guys, so pay attention!!
Once again, do not own my hero!

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