Chapter 6

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"Only those who have suffered long, can see the light witihin the shadows."

I stare at the ground and sigh as I sit on this swing. I don't know what to think, I don't know what to feel. My brother is changing, becoming more aggressive, I'm changing to. I can feel my malice and aggression rising, I can feel myself slowly losing my sanity. Today, I could've killed Todoroki without a second thought. What the hell is going on with me?

But, my brother has changed too, he's to serious, to cocky, only cares about fighting and arguing with everyone. Before he had at least somewhat normal conversations with the other kids in middle school, but now talking to him is like talking to a wall. He rarely talks to me even, I mean today I get it. I pissed him off, but why do I have to live my life around his feelings. Why do I have to base everything I do off of how Katsuki will feel? What will Katsuki do? Why the fuck should I care?

"Penny for your thoughts?" I look to my right and see Dabi next to me smirking slightly. I sigh and shake my head.

"It's stupid, it's all so stupid." I say shaking my head.

"Well let me help you out then, that's what friends do right?" I smile slightly at the thought of being friends and decide to let him hear my useless issues.

"My brother is a fucking idiot. Today we did a heroes vs. villains thing in class and he got paired against this kid he hated in middle school. Instead of doing what he should've done which was focus on the objective, he decided to be a child and face him head on ignoring his teammates calls and everything. I couldn't even watch because I knew that was how he was going to be. So I went and sat in the hallway." I sigh quietly before I continue.

"It was embarrassing for me, I've never ever felt that way about my brother. But now that we're in this school with all these kids who have quirks everything feels like a challenge to him. Everything is all about him. He wants to be better so he makes me feel like I have to be better, he's pissed off at me because I won my match and he lost his. This school is confusing me and making me feel things that I don't understand. I don't know what to do." I say quietly making him chuckle slightly. "I told you it was dumb." I say blushing.

"No kid it's not dumb. But here's my question." I look up at him confused. "What do YOU want to do?"


"I mean it sounds like your whole life has revolved around your brother. What does he want, what will he feel, what will he do.. It sounds like you haven't had your own thoughts in years." I look at him shocked and nod my head.

"Yeah.. you're not wrong. I think it's because I'm so scared of him. I'm so scared of upsetting him and making him angry. I know he resents me because I am showing improvement but that's because I don't let high school drama affect my thoughts." I say quietly.

"Now here's the real question." I look at him and nod. "Do you even want to be a hero?" I go to answer right away but pause slightly.. Should I tell him the truth? Or will that change the way he looks at me. "Your hesitation is concerning."

"No. I don't want to be a hero Dabi. I never have. Being a hero is bullshit, filled with bullshit laws and bullshit rules. Claiming those who they choose as villains that's fucking ridiculous. Who is to say who's a hero and who's a villain." I say annoyed, i look to see him smirking at me.

"Ya know Kiyo, you sound a lot like me." I tilt my head and look at him confused.

"Before I started doing what I'm doing now, my father hated me. Called me a failure, so i faked my death, and started my new..job.. It's amazing not having to live in a society solely based around who's right and who's wrong." I nod my head staring ahead. "I'm sorry for putting all this in your head." He says with a sad tone.

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