Chapter 15

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"You can't win if you're always on the defensive, to win, you have to attack."

I glare at him as we all stare at each other in a standoff. I can see the gears turning in Izuku's brain, he better come up with a fucking plan fast or we're completely fucked. I will not lose to this peppermint looking kid. That would be so embarassing.

"Looks like this won't end without a fight." he says making me roll my eyes.

"They're really gunning for you Midoriya." No shit Tokoyami, he's worth ten million points.

"We're halfway through, so we gotta keep moving but there're-" I look around to see about four teams charging us at once. I quickly gather water in my hands prepared to fight. "Multiple teams incoming!"

I watch as Kaminari begins charging up and create another geyser launching us in the air about ten feet and cancelling out the water as soon as he launches his electricity. I watch as multiple teams are electrocuted and others frozen from peppermints ice. I look to Uraraka and she nods giving us a soft landing.

"They're to strong! We'll never get away!"

I sigh heavily and gather an immense amount of water in my hands. "Get ready to run... NOW!" I yell as I create multiple geysers underneath the surrounding teams and launching my water whip at the same time flinging multiple teams away. Except for the all determined Todoroki who froze the geyser quickly. I glare at him as he shoots me a cocky smirk.

"So you have less defensive power now, but they don't know that right?" I look at Tokoyami to see that dark shadow is much smaller. It must be the light from Kaminaris electricity.

"Probably, the only one I ever told about my weakness is Kuchida back at USJ, but he doesn't talk much." I honestly have no idea who he's even talking about. I'm impressed I remember half these fuckers names.

"As long as they don't know.. We can fake them out, we'll be fine! The ten million points will stay with us!" I smirk at his determination and nod along with him.

I look around us to see we are trapped in a circle of ice. That little bastard closing us off like this. He knows that we need more room for most of our quirks. We can only evade him for so much longer, it's already been five minutes from what Midnight said. Which means we only have about a minute left.

"Keep away from them!" No Izuku, I thought I would run right towards them you moron.

Suddenly Iida rushes towards us and the headband is ripped off of Izukus head before we can even process what happened. I turn around in disgust at what just happened, that stupid little fucker. I'll kill him for that.

"As I said earlier Midoriya.. I'm challenging you!"

"What a reversal, Todorokis got the ten million!! And Midoriya's plummeted straight down to zero!" I look at Izuku to see that my headband is gone as well. God fucking dammit.

"I can't attack as long as Kaminari's there! Going after someone else's points is our best bet!" Tokoyami yells just as frustrated as I am.

"No good, can't you see the difference in points?! This is our only option!" I groan annoyed but suddenly we're all shoved forward.

"Here we go!" Uraraka yells. "We're getting it back Deku! No doubt!" I look at her impressed with her sudden determination. I don't know where it came from but I'm here for it.

"Let's get this shit!" I yell also charging.

"Uraraka.. Kiyoko..!"

As we charge forward I watch as my brother rips a headband off of Todoroki, I see Izuku activate his quirk and shove passed Todoroki ripping the headband off from around his neck. I smirk thinking we got the points back until I hear Izuku yell extremely pissed off.

"We've been tricked!"

We all rush at each other trying to get at least a few more points I use my water whip and rip some headbands off a few others smirking at the fact that they didn't even realize it. Suddenly everything stops all at once.

"Time's up!! Let's see who the top four teams are! In first place, team Todoroki.. In second team Bakug- Just kidding! In second is Team Midoriya!! Followed by Team Bakugo, and in fourth team Tetsu- Huh? Double craziness! Team Shinso!" Who the fuck is Shinso?

"Wait how.. what?" Izuku looks around confused as do the others while I stand next to them smirking. "Kiyoko?!" I look at him and my head. "What, but how?" I shrug and look at my nails.

"It was easy.. the teams were all so distracted with each other I used my water whip and snatched some headbands off peoples necks. A couple from my brother cause he just wanted to target you. So it wasn't that difficult." I see Izuku looking at me with tears in his eyes. "Woah kid chill out, it's not that big of a deal."

"Thank you so much for being an amazing teammate! We appreciate your quick and smart thinking!" He yells bowing at me over and over again making me roll my eyes.

"I only did it to defeat my brother." I say simply.

"Todoroki was clearly shaken by your first attack. I did my best to nab the ten million but I came up short. I apologize." I look at Tokoyami and shrug. "But thanks to Kiyokos quick thinking we weren't at the bottom." I shrug and wave my hand walking away.

"We'll proceed to the afternoon portion after a one hour lunch break! See you then!"

I walk to the prep room for our class and grab my phone only to see multiple text messages from Dabi. I smile slightly and grab my spare uniform shirt and throw it on quickly before I deicide open them.

Your movements were good during the obstacle course, don't worry about others though. That'll be your downfall doll.



Okay maybe not yet. But eventually.

Interesting team you picked.

Yes doll that's exactly what I meant with your quirk.

The half and half kid is cocky. Can't stand him.

That was a solid ass sneak attack snagging those points.

Not only did you beat your brother once, but twice? I'm so proud of you.

Come to the base of the stadium, I have lunch for you.

I smile at the messages, he's such a confidence boost. I quickly rush out of the room only to run into my brother. I glare at him and he glares at me. I roll my eyes trying to walk past him but he pushes both my shoulders shoving me into the wall. I look up at him glaring.

"I'm trying to go get food, can I help you?" I say annoyed.

"Deku... why the fuck would you team up with Deku?! I'm your brother and you don't give a fuck about me?!" I roll my eyes.

"You're the one who started it when you wanted to defeat me. I'm just doing what I want to do. There's nothing wrong with that, he needed defense I provided it." I say simply. "Now move so I can go get food. Or else I'm going to be pissed."

"You're not going to win this. You just got lucky." He says simply glaring at me.

"See, that's where you're wrong brother. You don't know shit about what I can do, you never cared to learn. It was always about making you better, so I found someone who made me better. I will fucking destroy you Katsuki." I say glaring and shoving him away from me while he stares at me in shock.

I walk down the hall smirking at my new found confidence. Time to go see Dabi.

Alright  everybody shits about to get intense.

I do not own MHA!

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