Chapter 14

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"You don't win alone, that's just how it is."

I sigh and begin debating the different people I could work with. I look around at all the different people and finally decide who I should ask. I walk over to them sighing I cannot believe I'm doing this I really hope I don't regret this.

"Hey... team up with me.."

"Wait wait.. huuuh?" I look at him and sigh.

"Objectively, you're team won't be super strong, plus I need a team and I don't completely hate you.. Izuku.." I look to see Uraraka next to him smiling and nodding.

"I'm so happy you chose us Kiyoko!" I sigh and shake my head, this doesn't mean we're friends.

"You can't win a battle like this alone. Iida is on your team as well correct?" They both nod but then Iida speaks up.

"I'd expect no less Midoriya, but I'm sorry. I refuse! Ever since the entrance exam I've been losing to you, It's because you're a wonderful friend that I cannot follow you now. Untempered as I am, Bakugo and Todoroki aren't the only ones who see you as a rival. So I too, challenge you." I watch him walk over to half and halfs team and sigh, everyone is making declarations of war.

"I-Iida.." I look at the bubbly girl and sigh, please don't cry I can't handle that shit.

"Tokoyami." They look at me confused. "We need a defense, pick him. He'll be very beneficial." They look at me surprised and nod as Izuku quickly goes to grab him.

"Kiyoko?" I look at Uraraka and nod my head telling her to continue. "I'm um.. I'm not trying to start anything but your brother hasn't stopped glaring at you." I look over at him and he grinds his teeth in frustration at me making me smirk slightly and wave at him. He goes to rush towards me but is stopped by Kirishima. "Also.. um your shirt is ripped pretty bad." I look down and shrug just taking it off leaving me in my sports bra showing off all my scars.

"Kiyoko!" I look to see my brother stomping towards me. So he finally broke free from Kirishima huh? "Put your fucking shirt back on you moron!"

"It was barely a shirt, you act like no one has ever seen a girl in a sports bra, or are you scared..?" I say the last part smirking. He looks at me confused. "I bet you're scared people are going to ask questions aren't you? Guess what princess you caused this. These scars are from you. Don't fucking forget it." I say glaring and turning back to my team as they stare at me in surprise but I just ignore their stares. "We need a plan."

"Your fifteen minutes are up! Time to get started!"

"Hey eraser wake up! They've had their time to form teams and to strategize, and now all twelve teams are lined up and ready to move!"

"Interesting.. the teams they've come up with.."

"Let's get a battle cry!! Here comes the starting signal!! Blood begets blood in the U.A grand match!!"

I look at our positions, Izuku is being held up by Tokoyami, Uraraka on his left, me on his right. Tokoyami is the best for defense, me as well, I'm not to sure what bubble girl will do but I guess we'll find out.

"Uraraka, Tokoyami, Kiyoko... Let's do this!!"


Instantly we are bombarded by multiple teams coming for Izuku's headband. I quickly cover the right by throwing up a large wall of water to keep them at bay. "Incoming attacks right off the bat, two teams in the front. The fate of those who are pursued make your choice Midoriya.." He talks weird what the hell.

"Run away of course!"

Suddenly we begin sinking in the ground. I glare at the kid with all the teeth on his cheek. I look at bubble girl and she nods touch all of us. I put my hands on the ground and launch a geyser out of the ground forcing us high in the air and towards the other end of the stadium where it's less crowded.

"Well done dark shadow! Be sure to cover our blind spots, you too Kiyoko! You guys are the best option for our defenses!" I nod my head as dark shadow audibly agrees.

"That was awesome! Just the defensive power we were lacking. But now we're covered from every direction! Good going Tokoyami and Kiyoko!"

"You're the one who chose me." Tokoyami says confused making me chuckle.

"We're landing!" Uraraka yells and I quickly get back into battle mindset.

"With barely two minutes passed the chaotic atmosphere is here! Remember it's not just the ten million out there! Those other high ranks are worth a shot as well!" Shit it's only been two minutes.. this is getting tiresome. I don't mean for my quirk I just mean in general. I don't want to deal with this.

"A scramble he says! No.. this is... A one sided massacre!!" I look to see Shoji charging at us, but wait where's his teammate..? There's no solo running here.

"We must keep our distance, fighting multiple people is a bad idea!" I nod my head agreeing, as we go to move forward I realize both bubble girl and I are stuck.

"Huh?? I'm stuck!"

"Me too! These are Mineta's? Where is he?" I say confused and frustrated.

"I'm right here.." I look at Shoji to see him creepily poking his head out of Shoji's wing dome. I mean hey that's smart. Suddenly a tongue launches at us and I quickly use my water whip to swipe it away.

"Good defense Midoriya.." I look to see Asui poking out as well. How many people can that weirdo fit??

I quickly throw up a water wall and begin to increase the temperature and melt the creepy grape kids hair until it's finally disintegrated. I look down to see I partially melted one of Urarakas boots and shoot her a quick look of apology before we continue running forward.

"Sorry but we had to get away bubbles." I say simply as we push forward through the crowd.

"Getting pretty full of yourself you bastards!" I look to see my brother charging and look to Izuku for instructions.

"Tokoyami!" Dark shadow attacks him but he is quickly yanked back to his team by Sero's tape. I roll my eyes at his annoying team. They're smart but boy they're pissing me off. I watch as some guy from class B swipes my brothers headband and smirk at his frustration. Guess who's chilling at zero you loser.

We continue running around, refusing to stop for even a second, if we stay still we're open targets. Thank god I did that stamina training with Dabi or I would be completely fucked. "I think it won't be hard to evade-" As Izuku is speaking I look up to see Todoroki in front of us with a blank look.

"Looks like the match is half over already!" Jesus only half way through. This shit is intense.

"Were.. coming for you." I glare at the half and half bastard.

How are we feelin guys?
Once again I do not own MHA

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