Author Note

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Hi! Welcome to my new story!!

This book is focused on my OC. Her experiences. Katsuki is NOT the main character. This is about her going against her own wishes and goals just to please her brother. I tried to write Katsuki as accurate as possible with the idea of his sister not wanting to be a hero.

I've also adjusted some ages and a few things in the storyline to go with how I want this book to end so you're going to have to bare with it.

Finally, if you've read my other books you know that I love making angry characters with tragic backstories. This one is not that different, I had to delete a LOT of comments on my last book due to people insulting me and my writing due to my character. I will not deal with that again. So please if you don't like my character then simply don't read my book. I'm sorry if that comes off disrespectful but it bothers me a lot when people insult my writing.

And as always! I don't own My hero academia!

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