Chapter 4

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"The lesson you need to be taught right now cannot be taught with words, only action."

I sigh as I leave for school, the first time I've left before my brother in years but I can't be around him right now. I'm still scared of him and that's embarrassing. I can't be scared of him. I put my headphones in my ears and begin drowning out the sounds of the world.

That is until someone grabs me, I turn around ready to punch whoever it is, only to see my stupid, arrogant, twin brother. I glare at him and rip my wrist away from him and keep walking. I know this is probably petty but I want nothing to do with him right now, if he wants to be a hero so fucking bad he needs to learn control. This is ridiculous. I feel him staring at me and finally rip out my headphone glaring at him.

"What?" I say looking straight ahead.

"You left without me." He said almost quietly, I sighed heavily not wanting to forgive him yet.

"Cause you pissed me the fuck off last night Katsuki." I say simply.

"Look, I'll buy you fucking boba or something okay?" I look at him confused and see we are closer to the school and sigh, well that's the best apology I'll get then.

"Fine. Boba for a whole ass week." He looks at me shocked.

"I didn't fucking agree to that short stack!" I roll my eyes and put my headphones in tuning him out as he screams.

Classes went by normally, well as normal as they can be with our crazy ass class. But most the day I wasn't even paying attention. That is until we got to hero training. That's when everything decided to take a complete turn for the worst.

"I have.. COME THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE NORMAL!" I look up to see All Might and my eyes turn to slits. Stupid pompous ass dick of a hero. I can't fucking stand him. "Hero Basic Training. The class that'll mold you into heros! Today's activity.. battle training!!" I smirk and sit up a little straighter, finally a chance to let out my anger. 

"And for that.. you will need these!" I look to the right to see the doors open and cases pop out. I forgot I had a costume, I don't even remember designing it.  "After you change, come out in ranking order to ground Beta!"

I walk into the locker room with the girls and sigh opening up my case and staring at the costume. It starts with a black tank top waterproof leotard, almost like a swimsuit, then on my legs I have a pair of black waterproof jeans. I was pretty surprised U.A had the ability to do that, and I have a black and blue jacket, also waterproof, if you don't get the idea. My whole costume is waterproof, including my knee high boots. Finally I attach the chains to the leotard that are equipped with multiple water capsules incase I need to refuel.

"You look awesome Kiyoko!" I look to my left and see Mina staring at me with stars in her eyes. I nod smiling slightly as a thank you.

"You know, you should talk more, you don't seem to be as much of a dick as your brother." I look to Ururaka said that and glare.

"My brother may be a dick but he has reasons. Dirt on him again I'll send you to hell." I say simply, yes I'm pissed at him, yes I hate him for dragging me to U.A, but I won't let people shit on him.

We all walk out and line up in our respective orders, my brother and I next to each other followed by the rest. We're Bakugos of course we're at the front. Finally though after what feels like forever we enter Ground Beta. I stay close to my brother and in front of Todoroki listening to everyone compliment one anothers costume.

"What are you some emo bitch?" I look up at my brother and glare.

"You look like a solidor that forgot half his uniform dick head." He glares at me until I feel someone staring. I turn around to see the electric boy and the grape kid staring at me, moreso my boobs. Katsuki looks where I'm looking and glares harshly.

"LOOK AT MY SISTER LIKE THAT AGAIN I'LL BURN YOU ALIVE!" He screams rushing towards them making me roll my eyes at his excessive screaming.

"Your costume is totally manly!" I look to see Kirishima and nod slightly.

"I like yours as well, good mobility for your quirk." I say quickly but then begin to pay attention.

"It's time for battle training!" All Might yells making me roll my eyes, why is everyone so fucking loud?  "Today we will be doing, heroes vs. villians! In an indoor training session! You'll be split into group of two, two heroes and two villians, and you will be fighting.. each other.." I smirk feeling my battle intensity rise. Yeah, I need to fight. I haven't fought anyone in so long.

"Now listen up! Villians will be hiding a nuclear weapon in the hideout, and the heroes have to go in and take care of it! There are two ways to victory, disabling the villians with our tape, or laying a hand on the bomb! Now.. to determine teams, we will be drawing lots!"

I groan knowing I don't  work well with others.. just like my bastard of a brother. I sigh and look down to see I am on team J. I flip it over and show it to my brother who sighs and shows me that he is on D. Thank god I'm not with him, I'm getting real sick of having to deal with him all the time. I just want to go home and say fuck this school.

"Wait.. you're on J?" I look to see Kirishima and nod making him smile and show me he is on my team. Well, at least I'm teamed up with someone I don't completely hate. "We're the manliest team out there!" Now that is ruined..

"Moving on.. first up is.. The heroes are team A, the villains are team D!!" I look at my brother to see him smirking at Deku making me sigh.

"What's wrong?" Kirishima asks confused making me shake my head.

"This match.. it's going to be annoying as fuck to watch." I say simply watching the cameras as they enter the building. Fuck this, I'm about to leave.

So villains go in first, the heroes follow in five minutes after, then the heroes have fifteen minutes to disarm the bomb. Or trap the villians I guess, but my brother won't care. He's just going to go for Deku. I sigh and shake my head, yeah I'm out.

"Hey.. I'm not watching this shit, let me know when it's our turn." I say and begin walking out to the hall.

"Young Kiyoko!" I turn to see All Might and the entire class staring at me. "Where are you going?!" I scoff and roll my eyes.

"My ignorant brother is going to lose this, he will cost his team this loss." All Might looks at me confused and I roll my eyes. "My brother and Deku have had a rivalry for as long as I can remember, and with Deku just getting this fancy ass quirk my brother is going to want to destroy him. Therefore instead of going for the objective he will go for a childish tantrum, and I am not going to sit here and let him embarrass me." I say simply and close the door behind me and sit in the hall.

I put my head against the wall groaning, this is embarrassing. We're not kids anymore, I may hate the kid but I would never jeopardize a win just over some childish drama. In this so called hero world you have to work with people you hate all the time. But me? If I even decide to become a hero I'll just be a vigilante, fuck working for people or with people. Or maybe I'll just let this stupid hero license expire, I won't need it.

"Kiyoko?" I look up to see my teammate and stand up.

"Our turn?" He nods his head and I follow him in, I look to my left and see my twin glaring harshly at me making me roll my eyes and follow Kirishima. "Who are we going against?"

"We're the villains, and we're going against Todoroki and Ojuire."


Once againnn do not own this glorious work of my hero academia!

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