Chapter 8

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"Doing what one likes, is the right of the powerful."

I stare at the scene in front of me with nothing but a blank face. A group of villians breaking into a school? That sounds insane, but here it is, right before my eyes. This isn't what I signed up for, this isn't what I wanted. I'm just a fucking kid, we all are. This is ridiculous.

"Thirteen! Begin evacuation, and try calling the school! One of these villians must be jamming the sensors, there's a good chance one of their electric types is causing the interference." Sensei says infuriated.

"Kaminari try using your quirk to signal for help!"

"Got it!" He stutters out, hell we're all scared.

I begin hearing everyone talking and taking action but then there's me.. I don't know what to do. I want to help, but at the same time I'm conflicted. There's something buzzing at the back of my head, something telling me that I shouldn't fight.. I don't understand why I feel like this, I don't understand why my body isn't responding. I don't feel that much fear. I don't understand and it's pissing me off.

The thoughts flowing through my head. The confusion, all of it. Not a damn thing is making sense. Why do I want to just sit on the sidelines and let them fight? Is it because I don't want to be a hero? Is it because I want to watch people suffer? Why is my mind so dark right now?

Suddenly I see Sensei leap down into a group of villians and begin fighting them all at once. That's pretty impressive, now if only I could do that. If only I could figure out what this block is-

"Hey.. Please be careful tomorrow."

So Dabi knew.. Dabi knew something was going to happen here. He was warning me, does that mean he's a villain? Wait.. that's why he looked so familiar. The attack that happened a few days before I met him at the park, that was him, with the blue flames. His gorgeous flames. Is it strange that I am perfectly okay with him being a villain?

Is it wrong to think the way he talks to me and acts is amazing? He makes me feel free, he listens to my words and asks the right questions. Hell, he makes being a villain sound like freedom compared to this hero society. Maybe just maybe-

I'm cut off from my thoughts as Kirishima grabs my arm and pulls me, as we're rushing towards the exit it is blocked by the giant warp gate guy, I glare at him in annoyance. I should've stayed home today. I could be sleeping but instead I'm fighting for my life for this stupid shit I don't even want to deal with.

"Greetings, we are the League of Villains. Forgive our audacity but today we've come here to U.A High School this bastion of heroism.. to end the life of All Might, symbol of peace." I raise my eyebrows and nod my head slightly. This would be the easiest place to do it, wait why did I think like that?

"We were under the impression that All Might would be here today but it sees his schedule was revised? Well, no matter.. My role remains unchanged."  I watch as my brother and Kirishima charge at the portal dude in shock.

"Not if we end you first!"

"Bet you didn't see that coming!"

"That was close.. Yes students though you may be, you are the best of the best." The warp gate says almost cheering them on. "Begone."

I feel myself engulfed in his black mist and am transported somewhere. I groan as I feel myself land on my back. I roll my eyes and stand up, I am already completely drenched from the rain and look around to see I'm in the Downpour Zone. Well at least I'm in a good place for my quirk.

"Look at this pretty lady.." I turn to see a group of guys staring at me making me sigh.

"I'm gonna be honest with you, I don't even want to be here." I say shrugging, they stare at me confused. "But I guess since I am here I should beat you guys up."

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