Kiyoko Bakugo

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Name: Kiyoko Bakugo
Twin brother- Katsuki Bakugo
Mother- Mitsuki Bakugo
Father- Masaru Bakugo

Age: 15

Quirk: Aqua Pura
Analysis: A quirk that allows her to create  any type of water, her most profound choice is geysers for their power and heat. Like her brother her sweat plays a roll in it, her sweat is composed of hydrogen, which you combine with oxygen and boom. Water. She also can control water and make it form to different shapes and tools for her to use when solidified,
Drawbacks: she gets severely dehydrated by overusing her quirk which can cause her to black out.

Looks: Long blonde hair that turns blue at the ends, vibrant blue eyes, and a very small figure in general, she stands at five foot five (three inches shorter than her brother) and sadly has scars littering her body, but that will be explained later on.

Personality: Like her twin she is very angry and can be very aggressive, she swears just as much but she is also quiet. She keeps to herself and hates making friends as well as people in general. She is ice cold to most people in the vicinity of her constantly.

Background: Being the twin sister of a hot head is very difficult, even being the daughter of one is rough, but to her it's just everyday. She is more similar to her father in that case but she loves her family. When they both got their quirks they instantly began training, which resulted in her brother wanting to go to U.A. Despite the fact that she didn't want to go her twin brother really gave her no choice and signed her up for the course.

Strength: 7.5/10
Intelligence: 6/10
Analysis: 8/10
Quirk Strength: 8/10
Height: 5"5
Weight: 117 lbs

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