Chapter 2

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"Don't give up, the beginning is always the hardest, so let's keep going till the very end."

"I didn't know you guys were siblings!" I look to see the red haired boy with a large smile on his face.

"We're twins, actually. I don't get how you losers didn't notice. We look almost the exact same, except I'm shorter with blue eyes." I say rolling my eyes, I see the whole class staring at us and start getting annoyed, which of course my twin realizes.

"Pay the fuck attention you extras! Sensei, which one of us do you want to come up?" Katsuki says seriously and he points to my brother who nods and walks up.

"How far could you throw in middle school?" Sensei asks and he shrugs.

"Sixty seven meters."

"Great, now try with your quirk. You can do whatever just don't leave the circle." He nods his head and begins stretching his arms a bit and winds up to throw the ball.


Everyone looks at him confused and concerned making me roll my eyes. My brother is a tough hard ass, but he has a nice side once and awhile, but he'll never tell you that. Hell I can't tell you the last time I saw it and I literally live with him. I mean my nice side is mainly mental, verbally I'm a bitch.

"It's important for us to know our limits." He shows up my twins numbers which reads 705.2M. Huh.. bet I can do better.

Katsuki comes and stands by me smirking as I tune out Sensei's speech, not that I care about it. I nudge my brother and he looks at me annoyed until he sees my smirk and shakes his head slightly chuckling. I may just be here by force, but I should try and have fun with it.

"Are you sure short stack? You know I'll kick your ass." I roll my eyes chuckling as well.

"In your dreams dynamite."

"Your fates are in our hands.. This is.. The trials of the first day." Instantly I smirk knowing my only goal is to defeat my brother.

Fifty meter dash.

I watch as everyone goes through the event until finally my brother is up, I look to see him going against Deku. I roll my eyes already knowing he gets an easy win. That's not fair at all. I watch him put his arms behind him and use his explosive speed.. four seconds hm, not bad at all. But I can do better.

"Kiyoko, Kirishima, you're up." I walk to the start line smirking at my brother and look at the red head next to me. So his name is Kirishima huh? Interesting.

"Let's have a manly race Kiyoko!" I scoff and smirk already knowing this is my win.

I hear the the buzzer and instantly force dense water out of my palms which propels me forward at an insane speed. Almost the speed of a category five hurricane, next thing I know I'm at the finish line. I see Sensei smirk and hold up his timer and I smirk as well.

"3.8 seconds. Impressive Kiyoko." I look to my brother to see him glaring making me show a cocky smirk as we make our way to the next event.

Grip Strength.

I look at the machine in my hand and sigh, I haven't done this is years. I get a good grip on the device and instantly begin using my strength to my full capacity. Once I release the pressure I look at the numbers and see a shitty hundred and five kilograms.

"Tch.. pathetic.. What'd you get dynamite?" I say annoyed.

"A hundred and nine." he says smirking making me groan as we move to the next event.

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