Potions Class & Rock Cakes At Hagrid's

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The next few days were normal, the She-Devil being annoying, hanging out with my friends, classes, and homework.

Hermione forced me to keep a schedule for every day and although sometimes it was a bit of a pain I managed so far to do it.

Ron introduced me to his brothers Percy, which was the oldest that was still at school, and then Fred and George, everyone was pleasantly surprised about how I treated others and I couldn't blame them, I think would be surprised if I was in their place.

I hadn't spoken to Draco since I'd been sorted and wasn't planning on it anytime soon so I went on with my life as if he and the rest of my family didn't exist.

One morning Harry got a letter from Hagrid, he offered that we could come down and have tea with him. Harry accepted and offered for me to come. I agreed so long as I didn't have too much homework to work on, Hermione would kill me if I fell behind this early on.

There was one lesson that I was slightly dreading, potions.

Father had told me about Professor Snape and had highly praised him. And if Father praises you it means we probably are not going to get along well.

The class started normally, Snape had given me an odd look when he called on me. I'd returned the look eyeing him up, tense, unsure of whether or not I should be ready for some sort of fight, or something along those lines.

I noticed he paused at Harry's name like some of the other teachers had done before, as if unsure whether they were reading it correctly.

"Ahh, Harry Potter. Our new-celebrity." Draco and his gang giggled behind their hand and I sent them a death stare not that it phased them.

He went on talking about potions then he zeroed in on Harry asking him questions, a couple of the answers I knew but after I'd seen the way he ignored Hermione completely when she raised her hand I decided against raising my own.

We were paired up into partners but things didn't improve for Gryffindor he went along taking points for unjust reasoning and as the class went on I felt my dislike for him grow.

At one point Neville accidentally melted Seamus's cauldron into a blob but Snape found some way to pin the blame on Harry.

So he was a biased and rude teacher, why was he allowed to teach here again? I tried my hardest with my own potion and I'd like to say it came out well, but my grading came from a biased teacher who favoured the Slytherins I would never really know if it was any good.

Although he had no problem saying just how perfect my brother's was, even though something about it didn't seem quite right to me.

After potions we walked up the steps to go to Hagrid's hut, Ron had agreed to join us so we made conversation while we walked.

We arrived at Hagrid's and I stared at Hagrid for a minute, this was the first time I'd truly properly seen him for the first time I saw him through a window, the second time it was dark, and the third time there was a while table in front of him.

"This is Ron, and Evelyn" Harry introduced us and Hagrid greeted us cheerfully.

I sat down with the rest of them and had some tea and rock cakes, the cakes were hard and almost broke my teeth but I tried to eat them anyway, I didn't want to seem rude.

Hagrid turned to me "I 'eard 'bout yer family an' the Howler." I nodded.

"Well, it's not like there is much they can do now I've been sorted it's done," I responded and he nodded.

We talked and I learned that when Harry and Hagrid had gone to Gringotts one of the vaults that Hagrid had emptied had been broken into. I didn't want to worry too much about it, it didn't really have to do with me.

Of course, whenever there is something that doesn't completely make sense, it bothers you. And the whole situation seemed to sit at the back of my mind, nagging me.

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