The Very Secret Diary

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Hermione was in the hospital wing for weeks. Many people thought that she'd been attacked by the Slytherin heir over holidays.

So many different students would go down to see her so Madame Pomfrey brought out some curtains so she could put them over Hermione, who'd been embarrassed by her face.

Every evening Ron, Harry, and I would go down to see her, bringing with us the homework from the day.

"If I'd sprouted whiskers, I'd take a break from work," Ron told her as he put down a stack of books on her bedside table.

"Don't be silly, Ron, I've got to keep up," Hermione chided him. Her mood had been improving since most of the fur was gone from her face and her eyes were going back to their regular brown.

"I don't suppose you've got any new leads?" Hermione whispered glancing over at Madame Pomfrey's direction making sure she didn't hear us.

"Nothing," Harry told her and I shook my head in disappointment.

"I was so sure it was Draco," Ron said for the hundredth time.

"What's that?" Harry asked Hermione, nodding to something gold that was sticking out from under her pillow.

"Just a Get Well card," Hermione told him trying to shove it back under her pillow, but Ron got to it first. He pulled it out from under the pillow and opened it.

"To Miss Granger, wishing you a speedy recovery, from your concerned teacher, Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defence League and five times winner of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile Award." Ron read aloud and I raised an eyebrow at Hermione but didn't say anything.

"You sleep with this under your pillow?" Ron asked disgustedly.

Before Hermione could answer Madame Pomfrey came through with the evening's dose of medicine.


I was looking over some of my books as we walked back to the dormitory when we heard an angry outburst come from the floor above.

"That's Filch," Harry muttered and I put my book away as we listened for any further noise.

"You don't think someone else's been attacked?" Ron asked and I chewed my lip worried.

We stood there in silence for a minute until we heard Filch yelling once more.

"...even more work for me! Mopping all night, like I haven't got enough to do! No, this is the final straw, I'm going to Dumbledore..."

We heard the sound of angry footsteps and then a distant door slamming shut.

Carefully, we looked around the corner at where Filch had just been, his usual spot, just outside Myrtle's washroom where Mrs Norris had been attacked.

I saw what Filch had been so upset about, all along the corridor was a giant puddle of water coming from Myrtle's bathroom.

Now that Filch and his yelling had left we could hear Myrtle sobbing inside her washroom.

"Now what's up with her?" Ron asked annoyed and I shrugged.

"Let's go and see," Harry led the way as we walked towards the washroom door.

Myrtle's sobs echoed off the walls, she was hiding in her usual toilet.

"What's up Myrtle?" Harry asked.

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