The Weasleys

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Hazy sunlight streamed through the window, blocked by the grey clouds.

I sighed as I tugged the messy blankets off me, I looked outside in hopes of seeing Hedwig. Hermione, Ron, and I hadn't heard from Harry all summer, we were getting worried I hoped that he was doing alright. Today was his birthday.

Stumbling over to my closet I picked out a simple outfit, the good thing about being banished to your room and not having anyone visit you is that you can wear whatever you want, somedays I went around in just my pyjamas!

I headed to the bathroom to finish getting ready, brushing my tangled hair and my teeth.

I turned on the warm water and washed my face, getting some of the soap bubbles in my mouth (they did not taste good.)

When I was done I headed back into my room and surveyed its messiness, I still needed to pack for school. Surprisingly I hadn't done it yet.

Then I heard the sound of tapping on my window, an owl!

I opened the window and the owl hopped inside, I recognized it to be Ron's family's owl the letter was tied around its neck.

Untying the letter was easy and I gave the owl some treats as it hopped around on the windowsill.

I opened the letter and read it quickly.

Hey Evelyn, Mum gave me permission to invite you over. So you can come over to the Burrow tomorrow then we'll all head out for school together once it starts. You can use Floo Powder or if you have a different way of getting here.

Don't tell anyone but Fred, George, and I are planning to go rescue Harry from his no-good aunt and uncle tonight. Write back if you can make it, also we'll be going to Diagon Alley eventually and we can take you if you haven't gone already.


I quickly wrote out a reply saying that I would be there tomorrow and tied it around the owl's neck.

It shifted its wings and took off flying lopsided and swooping in ways that I was pretty sure an owl wasn't meant to.

Closing the window I turned back to my room, I had to pack for Hogwarts now.

I started folding my clothes placing them in my trunk along with books and the list of other things I would need for school this year. I hadn't been to Diagon Alley since I'd been banished to my room, I'd been hoping Father would realize I needed to go and take me last minute.

My goal for today was to finish packing and clean up my room.


I'd finished my goal, everything was packed and cleaned and the sun had set.

I was getting ready when I heard a voice, Father's voice

"Where has that house-elf gone now!" He grumbled as he stomped past. I wondered which house-elf it was, I hoped that they would be okay.

I changed into my pyjamas the silk cool and light against my skin.

Jinx had curled up on my bed and fallen asleep purring in their sleep as they rose and fell.

"Sleep well Jinx," I told her stroking her fur.

I pulled the blankets to the side and climbed into bed, the blankets wrapping me in their warmth.

I turned the lamp on the bedside table beside me off, the darkness seeped into the room like ink.

"Tomorrow I leave," I promised myself and I turned over smiling.

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