Flying Class

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We had arrived at the grounds, it was flying class. The Slytherins were already there, and the flying teacher Madame Hooch had arrived as well.

"Well, what are you all waiting for?" She barked loudly "Everyone stand over a broomstick. Come on, hurry up."

I glanced down at my broomstick it looked old but I had faith in it. I mean they surely wouldn't let students use the broomsticks if they were dangerous, right?

"Stick out your right hand over your broom" called Madam Hooch " And say, up."

I held out my hand focused on exactly what I wanted and pictured the broom flying up into my reached-out hand "Up." I called out loudly and confidently although it was hard to hear over the others it took a couple of tries but eventually it flew up into my hand, I looked around Harry and some others had gotten theirs up as well.

Once everyone had their broom, Madame Hooch then showed us how to properly mount a broomstick so that we wouldn't slide off.

I couldn't help but smile when she told Draco he was doing it wrong, I had told him that before but he had never listened to me.

"Now when I blow my whistle, you kick off from the ground hard." Madam Hooch explained. "Keep your brooms steady, rise a few feet and then come straight back down by leaning forward slightly. On my whistle three-two."

Neville was so nervous that he accidentally kicked off the ground he began going higher and higher, I watched him shocked.

He slipped sideways off the broom and WHAM, hit the ground. The class raced over Madame Hooch leading the way.

"Broken wrist" Madame Hooch muttered as she examined Neville. She turned to the class "None of you is to move while I take this boy to the hospital wing! You leave these brooms where they are or you'll be out of Hogwarts before you can say 'Quidditch.' Come, on dear."

As soon as they were out of earshot Draco started laughing the other Slytherin's joined. He then went and grabbed Neville's Remembrall which lay on the grass and I watched him in disgust. Harry stepped forward I could tell that this probably wasn't going to end well.

Draco got on his broom with Harry following, Draco then tossed the Remembrall towards the castle and made his descent I wasn't even bothering watching Harry I had my eye on Draco. I heard all the cheers and assumed that Harry had gotten it then McGonagall walked over yelling his name, she led him away and then I turned and found Draco he had a triumphant look on his face.

I walked over to him, Crabbe and Goyle didn't even notice me too busy snickering to one another and debating what would happen to Harry. And then I was standing next to Draco he looked at me the smirk still on his face and before I could think through my decision I balled my hand into a fist and punched him in the face.

He stared at me his hand flying up to where I'd hit him.

One by one people turned around to see what had happened and all the Slytherins began to advance on me, I stood there unwilling to fight, but before they could touch me a teacher returned.

I stood there grateful that at least I wouldn't have all the Slytherins attacking me at once.

The teacher noticed the mark on Draco's face and gestured to it with a questioning look, asking one of us to speak up.

"It was Evelyn!" Pansy shrieked pointing to me and the teacher looked at me.

"Dumbledore's office. Now." I nodded and walked along I figured I was getting expelled, now I would have to spend the rest of my life with the Malfoys, curse me and my stupidity. I should have thought my choices through, thought of the consequences.

I reached his office then the teacher came up behind me, "The password is Sherbet Lemon." Then they walked away.

I nodded and said those words the gargoyle moved slowly revealing some stairs I took a deep breath and walked up, at the last stair I then knocked.

"Come in," said a voice and I entered. Dumbledore sat behind his desk looking at something.

"Have a seat" he said and gestured to a chair. I sat down.

"Now if I understand correctly you hit Mr. Malfoy" I nodded, I had no idea how he already knew but I figured it was better than to question it.

"Ahh well, what was your reason?" He asked me, a hint of interest sparkling in his eyes.

"I would rather not say," I told him trying to keep my voice steady, I was a bit worried I would cry. He didn't look all that surprised by my answer.

"And why is that?" He asked me with a smile.

"Because whether I answer you or not I would still get expelled," I said he nodded, I didn't want anyone else to get into trouble.

"I see, well I do believe I can let you slightly off the hook since it was your brother, and since I believe it was an honest mistake. But since nothing does justify striking another student I'll have to take away 15 house points." He told me and I nodded, I was disappointed. I should have thought of what consequences my actions could have had before I'd done it. Now the house had to suffer because of me

"Now I would hurry on Miss Malfoy it would be unfortunate if you missed any more class time." He told me and I nodded with a grateful smile.

"Thank you, Professor," I said and he smiled at me, and I left his office.

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