The Forbidden Forest

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Things were pretty bad. Probably couldn't get much worse.

Filch had taken us down to McGonagall's study on the first floor. I was trying to comfort a trembling Hermione, whispering to her that it would all be ok in the end.

When McGonagall returned she was leading Neville, I stared confused.

"Harry!" Neville shouted the moment he saw us. "I was trying to find you to warn you, I heard Malfoy saying he was going to catch you, he said you had a drag-"

I shot Neville a look and shook my head quickly. McGonagall towered over us like a giant.

"I would never believe it of any of you. Mr Filch says you were up the astronomy tower. It's one o'clock in the morning. Explain yourselves."

"I was looking for my cat, Jinx," I lied quickly and the others looked over at me surprised.

"I'd woken up at around 12 and couldn't find her, I got worried that something would happen to her. I mean what if she fell down a staircase and was injured? What if she fell off a tower? What if Mr Filch squashed her?" I asked with fake worry.

"Clearly I hadn't found her, I can only hope she went back to my dormitory" I finished and McGonagall rolled her eyes at me, I wasn't sure if she believed me.

"Let me tell you what I think happened. You fed Draco Malfoy some cock-and-bull story about a dragon, trying to get him out of bed and into trouble. I've already caught him. I suppose you think it's funny that Longbottom here heard the story and believed it, too?" Clearly, she didn't believe my story. Harry was shaking his head trying to tell a hurt and stunned Neville that it wasn't true.

"I'm disgusted. Five students out of bed in one night! I've never heard of such a thing before! You, Miss Granger, I thought you had more sense. As for you, Mr Potter, I thought Gryffindor meant more to you than this. And Miss Malfoy, whether or not your cat did get out she is your responsibility and even that does not justify walking around at night. All four of you will receive detentions-yes, you too, Mr Longbottom, nothing gives you the right to walk around school at night, especially these days, it's very dangerous-and fifty points will be taken from Gryffindor."

"Fifty?" Harry gasped and I sighed.

"Fifty points each," Professor McGonagall said breathing through her nose.

"Professor-please-" I pleaded.

"You can't-" Harry said.

"Don't tell me what I can and can't do, Potter. Now get back to bed, all of you. I've never been more ashamed of Gryffindor students." She ordered then she looked at me. "And if I find your cat Miss Malfoy, I'll look after it until I can return it to you."
"Thank you, Professor," I said quietly nodding my head.

We hurried back to our dormitories, I had trouble sleeping. I was trying to hold back tears, I'd let my family down.


The next morning we quickly became some of the most hated people in the school, though none of us faced as bad as what Harry had to deal with.

I was annoyed with these people, I understand being disappointed we all were, but to the point of harassing students seemed like an issue. Let's just say I said some not-so-nice things to a couple of older Gryffindors when they started yelling at Harry.

"They'll all forget this in a few weeks." Ron comforted Harry. "Fred and George have lost loads of points in all the time they've been here, and people still like them."

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