No Tears On Sunday

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I sipped my tea thoughtfully as I stared out into the distance, the sound of chatter surrounded me but was drowned out by my thoughts. The Muggle village was bustling with early morning activity, sneaking out in the morning was always the highlight of my day. Not that I had much to compare it to considering I was trapped in my room at any other time.

The air was mild and humid, the dark clouds blocked the sun. It would probably rain soon. I finished the last of my tea and left some Muggle money before standing up. I'd had to ask Hermione for some Muggle money, I'd given her the same amount in Wizarding Money in exchange.

I walked along the smooth dirt path. A child ran past me giggling, their mother followed suit with a bright smile. I felt a short pang in my chest, a longing for a childhood I'd never had. I pushed the jealousy down and headed to the outside of the village.

The tall forest loomed in front of me, the children here were warned not to enter since the many paths twisted until they'd get lost, but I was not a child from this village. I'd walked these paths enough times over the past two summers to get home with my eyes closed.

The light breeze rustled the leaves and branches and birds chirped above my head.

It was about a fifteen-minute walk to get to the outer ridge of the forest. I hummed mindlessly to myself as I walked, sometimes I would pretend I was back at Hogwarts adventuring through the Forbidden Forest with Harry, Ron and Hermione. I would be going back soon, I couldn't wait.

Sometimes I wondered what would happen if I got lost in these woods, would I ever be found? Would Mother and Father come looking for me? I knew they wouldn't. I wondered if the village would wonder where I'd gone, but I doubted they would care and if they ever realized it would be turned into a cautionary tale for their children.

I stepped over a large tree root, today was Harry's 13th birthday. I'd sent him a letter and his gift yesterday, I could only hope he received it this year.

Ron had warned me about calling Harry, he'd tried to and it had apparently not gone well. Since then I'd stuck to letters.

I passed a familiar tree, I would be out of the forest soon, back to my room until tomorrow's adventure.

I ducked under a lower tree branch, hitting it softly with my hand as I passed, a daily ritual.

There was a distant rumble of thunder and I picked up my pace ever so slightly, getting caught in the rain would not be a good way to start the morning.

The forest began the clear and I found myself facing the back of the dark manor. It looked gloomy and sad as I headed back to my room.

There was a small tree that reached partway, I hoisted myself onto one of the higher branches and edged myself toward the brick wall.

The grey bricks were cold compared to the humid air surrounding me, I grabbed at the wall and carefully began the climb towards my open window.

As I pulled myself into my room I felt the splash of cool water, I had just narrowly missed the rain.

I closed my window as the droplets began the streak down the panes.

Turning towards my desk I found the letters that I'd left there last night.

There was one from Ron, one from Hermione, and one from Hogwarts.

I picked up Ron's, sitting down in my chair as I opened the envelope. The Weasleys had won the annual Daily Prophet Grand Prize Galleon Draw and had gone to Egypt to visit Bill.


Egypt is fantastic! There are so many awesome tombs, there was even one with a bunch of mutant skeletons with extra heads! Mum wouldn't let Ginny go into that one. We're planning to go to London and get school supplies a week before term starts, will you be there? Will your dad let you come? Or maybe you can just sneak out? I'm going to see if I can get Harry to come with us, Hermione already agreed.

See you around,


I thought about it, I could use Floo Powder to get to Diagon Alley and maybe stay for a few nights at the Leaky Cauldron or something like that.

I wrote a quick letter in response to Ron, then I turned to Hermione's letter.

Dear Evelyn,

How are you? Is everything alright at home? France is wonderful and so interesting. There is so much history around me, Ron said he would talk to you about going to get school supplies together. Have you heard from Harry? Ron told me that his call with Harry's uncle didn't go well. I hope to see you soon.



I smiled and wrote out a quick reply, then I turned to the last letter. Hogwarts.

I opened the envelope and pulled the papers out, I picked one up and started reading.

Dear Miss Malfoy,

Please note that the new school year will begin on September the first. The Hogwarts Express will leave from King's Cross station, platform nine and three-quarters, at eleven o'clock.

Third years are permitted to visit the village of Hogsmeade on certain weekends. Please give the enclosed permission form to your parent or guardian to sign.

A list of books for next year is enclosed.

Yours sincerely,

Professor M. McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

I frowned, I wanted to go to Hogsmede but how could I convince Father to sign it?

I laid down on my bed trying to think of a solution, I could try asking Mother she might be more lenient.

Sighing I sat up, I needed to send off my letters to Ron and Hermione. I tucked my letters into my pocket, it was still poring outside so I wouldn't be getting out that way.

My door was locked but I'd learned that if I jimmied a few bobby pins in the lock the spell broke momentarily and I could escape.

I picked up a handful of bobby pins and put them in my pocket then crept to the door and began to jiggle the bobby pins until I heard a soft metallic click and a break in the quiet hum of magic.

I turned the knob and peeked out, nobody was in sight. I pushed the door open and slid out letting the door click behind me as the hum of magic started again.

I started down the hallway quietly, listening for any noise from anybody. In the distance I heard voices, they must be having breakfast.

"Yes, Draco I will sign your Hogsmede permission slip," Father's voice sounded bored.

"Thank you, Father," I heard Draco respond.

I ignored the jealousy, of course, they would sign Draco's. But not mine.

Continuing towards where we kept the owls I let their voices fade away.

The owls cooed and squawked upon my arrival, I shushed them soothingly and I wrapped the letters in a special waterproof material.

I then gave one letter to each owl and opened the window letting them fly out.

Once I was done I returned to my room. I sat beside my window watching the rain run down the side like tears.

I felt my eyes grow wet but I pushed the feeling down and wiped my eyes before the tear could fall.

I would not cry.

Not today.


Hello, my lovely people! This chapter helps show a bit more of how Evelyn's past has affected her and this book should have a bit more on the effects of her family. As I said before I don't really have a set schedule for posting but I'll try my best to get chapters out as often as possible :)

Thank you for reading,


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