Chapter 9: We'll Take The Suite

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Since dinner our whole dynamic has changed. It's weird... Well weirder than usual. Our teasing isn't only insults anymore.

The teasing slowly started including our memories. Only some of our insults though. And our memories are brought up solely for teasing purposes. Not because we want to remember anything about what used to be.

"Mari!" Adrien calls out as he walks into the department.

Okay I know what you're thinking... I know I said he can't call me Mari, and I was very serious about it.

That was until Nino's birthday. I don't know what, but there was something about hearing him call me that without a teasing tone that made me kind of miss our past. Key word: Kind of.

A part of me will always miss him. He holds a big part of who I used to be. But that doesn't mean I want that part back.

"What is it?" "I found XY." He says and places a paper on my desk. "I hired a PI." "Where is he?" "He's on his way to London to meet with a producer." "I thought Bob Roth was his producer?"

"He is. He wants him to find someone to rip off." "And they're targeting the producer?" Adrien nods. "What does this have to do with our case?"

"This producer is also known for ripping people off." "Takes one to know one I guess." I say. Adrien chuckles and immediately clears his throat.

"This can be our guy." I shake my head. "There's no way. It's too easy." I say and hand the paper back to him. "How can you be so sure it's not him?" "How can you be so sure it is?" "I'm not, but are you really willing to risk giving up the chance to find out?"

I sigh and stand up. "You already planned the trip didn't you?" He nods as he pulls out 2 passes to the company jet. "You know me too well princess." He says with a smirk.

"Start packing. We leave tonight." "Tonight? Adrien we haven't even set a plan up yet!" I say as he walks away. "Don't worry. I got it covered."


"I didn't expect you to pack so quick." Adrien says as I roll my suitcase over to him. "Yeah well lucky for you, I had a feeling you were going to plan a last minute trip. I had a suitcase packed and ready to go."

"After you your highness." He bows and gestures to the jet. I roll my eyes and walk up the stairs.

Adrien walks in and takes a seat right across from me. "Why did you book the jet when we could've taken the train? At least then we wouldn't have to endure an hour alone together."

"I like the quietness of the jet." He says and closes his eyes. "Now shut up and let me get my beauty sleep." "It's an hour trip Adrien." "And? You can't stay quiet for an hour?"

"Oh I can. I just think it'd be more fun to annoy you." He opens his eyes and looks straight at me. "Your presence is annoying enough." He says and shuts his eyes again. "That's why we should've taken the train. It wouldn't only be my presence. And we would've been able to get seats far away from each other."

Without opening his eyes, he raises his arm and points his finger behind him, to the back of the jet. "There's seats over there if you don't want to be next to me Mari." "Why should I be the one to move? You sat next to me."

"Don't think I sat here for you. This is my go to seat when I use the jet. I'm not changing it for you." "Well this is my go to seat. I'm not moving." "Then it looks like you're stuck with me." "But-" "What part of shut up do you not understand?" He sits up with his eyes wide open.

"It's not that I don't understand it. It's just whenever you talk it all bundles up into one big blob." I gesture the shape with my hands. "Mari. I'm tired. I'm not even in the mood to argue with you." He takes a breath and runs his hand through his gold locks.

"I'm 100 percent sure I'm gonna regret this later, but... I'll do anything it takes to get you to shut up for an hour." "Anything?" "Anything." I smile and nod. "Okay." "Okay?" "Okay."

"So what do I need to do?" "You have to do whatever I say for 3 weeks." "3 weeks? How about 3 days?" "Hmm... 2 weeks." "5 days." "1 week and I get to design your outfit for the ball."

"What ball?" "You know? The Christmas ball? The one we have to watch over every year?" "Your hired to do that too?" I nod. "I've never seen you there. Not that I'm complaining." I roll my eyes. "It's because every time I see you, I go the opposite direction."

"Okay, well why in the world would you want to design my outfit?" "Because for some weird reason, the press loves you and I can just picture you standing there, when they ask you who you're wearing, and you're forced to say my name."

"No way. 5 days or no deal." "Take my deal Adrien or listen to me talk for an hour straight." I say and put my hand out. "We haven't spoken to each other in years. Trust me, I have plenty to say." He sighs and takes my hand. "You better make me look good."

"That's for me to decide and for you to see."


We land and Adrien hails a taxi for us. "So where are we staying?" "I made a reservation for us at a hotel." "Separate rooms right?"

"Obviously. You think I want to spend even more time with you?" "I mean how can you not? I'm amazing." He rolls his eyes as the car pulls up to the hotel.

"Grab the bags. I'll go check us in." Adrien says and walks inside before I can protest.

"Anything you say." I mumble sarcastically to myself. I turn around and look at the big pile of suitcases.

Does he really need this much clothes? How long does he plan to stay here? Is he seriously going to change outfits that often?

Adrien's talking to the desk clerk as I struggle to carry the bags inside. "What do you mean?" "Unfortunately we only have one room available."

"But I specifically booked two rooms. How can you only have one available?" I drop the bags and rush over to them.

"It seems we accidentally double booked a room. When this situation happens, we give the room to whichever customer comes in first." Adrien nods, trying to calm himself down. He always did have a short temper.

"So what happens now?" "We can accommodate you with free room service for your entire stay and you'll have access to all the VIP spots." "Free room service? How the hell are we supposed to order room service without a room?" Adrien basically shouts.

I get he's frustrated, but does he really have to yell at an employee? I mean come on she's just trying to do her job.

I place my hand on Adrien's arm and gently move him out of the way.

"Sorry about him. He can be a little hotheaded sometimes." She smiles at me. "Is there really no other room available?" "I can double check." She says and starts typing in her computer.

"She should've double checked earlier." Adrien mumbles under his breath. I lift my foot and stomp it above his to shut him up.

"Unfortunately we don't have any openings until January." "That's two months from now!" Adrien shouts. "Shut up!" I turn to him.

"I do have a suite available, but the problem is we need to have one room available for an important guest arriving tomorrow morning. So what I can do for you is either upgrade you to the suite or you can stay in the room you originally booked."

"Why would you downgrade your guest?" "She doesn't really care about the rooms and she's barely in the hotel when she stays here. She wouldn't mind getting a regular room."

"So either way we're going to have to room together?" I ask. "Im sure that's no problem for a couple like you." She smiles at us.

Mine and Adrien's face has disgust written all over. "We're not-" "In her dreams!" I roll my eyes and stomp on his foot again. "Ow!"

"So what'll it be?" "We'll take the suite."

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