Chapter 14: You're Being... Nice

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"Took you long enough." Adrien says as he opens the door to the taxi for me. "Where are we going first?" "I was thinking we can see the city first and I have a certain place in mind to finish it off." "What pla-" He pulls out his phone and ignores me the rest of the ride.


When we step out of the taxi Adrien holds his hand out for me. I look at his hand and back up at him. "What's going on? You seem a off today." "What do you mean?"

You're being... nice? Kind of. "Never mind." I ignore his hand and step out of the cab. He looks down at his hand and then uses is to rub the back of his neck.

Adrien starts walking and I find myself following after him. "Where are we going?" "Just follow me." "Do I have much of a choice?" "Not really. No."

"Are you hungry?" He turns around so fast that I run into his chest. "Jesus! A little warning would be nice." He laughs and looks down at me. "Sorry." Sorry? Something is really off with him today.

"So are you?" "Am I what?" I ask slightly annoyed. "Hungry." His question throws me off. "I- Uh. Not really?" "Oh. I heard good things about this bakery."

"Bakery?" He nods. "I looked places up last night. I thought you could judge this bakery on your own. Considering." "Considering what?" "Considering you know a lot about baking. From what I remember you used to help out a lot at your parents bakery."

"I still do." "You do?" I nod as we start walking again. "How have they been?" "They're good. They ask about you a lot." "You didn't tell them?" "I did. But that doesn't stop them from asking."

"What do you say when they ask?" "I just state the facts." "And that is?" "You're an ass." He chuckles.

"Here it is!" He holds the door open for me. "What are you ordering?" I take a moment to look at the menu before answering. "Probably the cookies? You?" "The chocolate chip muffin."

After we get our food, we take a seat at the table. "So what is it you wanted to talk to me about?" "You have to wait until the end of the night." "Why?" "Because who's to say you won't get up and leave as soon as you find out what it is?" I smile and nod. "That's kind of what I was planning on doing."

"I figured. So." "So?" He gestures to the cookie. "What do you think?" "Doesn't live up to my parents bakery." "Obviously not. But is it good?"

I furrow my eyebrows and look at him. "Are you okay?" "Why wouldn't I be?" "You're being... weird." "What do you mean? Weird how?"

"You're- What are you planning?" "What?" "You're being nice. You're never nice. What are you planning?" He laughs in my face. "I'm not planning anything." "I don't believe that. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but if this is all some plan to get the bed from me, it's not going to work."

"Not even if I buy you another cookie?" I shake my head and take a bite of my cookie. "Sorry." I say with my mouth full.


We spend the rest of the day walking around the city. Everything is so beautiful in London. I think the air is getting to me because I'm starting not to mind Adrien's company. I would never tell him that, of course. I never thought I'd see the day where his presence wouldn't annoy me.

We've spent the whole day talking and laughing. We were actually enjoying ourselves. Crazy right?

Adrien leads me to an ice cream shop. We get our ice cream and take a taxi to Big Ben.

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