Chapter 47: Goodbye

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~5 Days Before Marinette Leaves~

"Al? I need to talk to you." I lean over in my seat and whisper to her. "About what?" "Um... I can't say it here." "My dorm or yours?" "Mine." She nods and I lean back.

When I lean back I bump into Adrien's arm. "Sorry." "It's fine." He doesn't look up from the paper when he says that.

It's still a little awkward between us. I'm glad he was comfortable enough to move back into the seat beside me, but he did it a little too late. I don't know how I'm going to tell him. I don't even know if I'm going to tell him.

We haven't exactly talked since the cafeteria incident. I need to make things right before I leave. I just need to figure out how to talk to him without thinking about that kiss.


"You're moving to New York?!" Alya shouts. "It's temporary. Just until I finish training." "You mean until you get over Adrien?" "I- okay yes. I know it sounds dumb Al, but it's something I need to do. I can't stay and watch him with her anymore."

"Are you serious? You're the one that pushed him to her." "Was I just supposed to say, 'I'm in love with you Adrien.' and kiss him after I saw his lips on hers?" "Well no, but girl you can't just leave." "Alya I already made up my mind. You can't talk me out of it."

She sighs. "When do you leave?" "5 days." "5 days? Are you serious?" I nod. "Are you going to at least tell him?" "Yes? I- I think so? I don't know." "Marinette you have to tell him." "I just don't know if I can."

"I don't care if you can or not. He needs to know." "I know. I'll figure something out."


~4 Days Before Marinette Leaves~

I wipe my sweating hand on my shirt before I raise my fist to knock on Adrien's door. The door opens after the second knock. "Mari? Is everything okay?" I open my mouth and immediately close it.

I can't do it. He'll be crushed.

"I was just wondering if Nino was here?" His face falls. "Nino? You were looking for Nino?" My hand subconsciously goes up to play with my earring and I already know he knows I'm lying. "I just stopped by his dorm and he wasn't there. This is the only other place I could think of." His eyes follow my hand and he sighs.

"Nino! Marinette wants to talk to you."

I really messed things up between us. He knew I was lying and didn't even press me to tell him the truth. He always does.

He walks inside his room leaving the door wide open. I stay standing outside. Nino walks over to the door with a smile. "Dudette what's up?" "Do you have time to talk?"

He nods and shouts over his shoulder. "I'll be back in a bit!" He closes the door before Adrien can respond and starts walking with me. "What's up?"

"You can't tell Adrien what Im going to tell you okay?" "Ooo a secret? I love secrets." He smiles and leans toward me. "Im moving to New York." "I don't like this secret." His smile falls. "It's just temporary. I'll be back once I finish training."

"Is that really why you're leaving?" "I mean the offer was good and all, but what pushed me to accept it was Adrien and Chloe." "But Adrien-" "Nothing you say can talk me out of it Nino." He nods.

"Why can't I tell Adrien?" "I- I need to be the one to tell him. He'll be hurt if it didn't come from me." "Okay, but you are going to tell him right?" I nod. "Yes." At least I'm going to try.

~3 Days Before Marinette Leaves~

We're sitting in class taking notes. I turn to Adrien and open my mouth to say, "I need to talk to you." but nothing comes out. I shake my head and go back to writing.

Alya tosses a note up to me. I open it and the note says, Stop being scared. It's just Adrien.

I fold the paper and stuff it in my pocket. I turn to Adrien and repeat the same thing. But this time he turns to me and smiles. I smile back before turning away.

I can't do it.

Nino turns to face me and tilts his head toward Adrien. I sigh and turn to him again. I repeat the exact same thing.

Adrien turns to me. "You can say it Mari." Okay. I'm gonna say it. I got this.

"I'm just confused about the notes." I don't got this. Alya and Nino slap their hand to their face as Adrien leans in to explain it to me.

This is the most we've talked in a while. And it's not even a real conversation. He's explaining the notes to me. I really need to fix things before I leave. The days are really only getting shorter and shorter.


"You guys haven't had a genuine conversation in days M. Don't you think it's time to tell him?" Alya asks as I start putting my stuff in boxes.

"He has his girlfriend to keep him company. I'm sure he won't even notice I'm gone." "Screw his girlfriend! You're the one he's in love with!" "Will you stop it with that! He doesn't love me Alya. Not in the way I love him."

"Even if he doesn't, he deserves to know." "And he will." "When?" "I just need more time." "You leave in 3 days Marinette. That's all the time I'm giving you." Alya walks out of my dorm leaving me to pack my things alone.

As much as I hate it, she's right. But every time I try to tell him, I chicken out. I know for a fact he'd be able to convince me to stay and I can't have that.

Maybe there's a way for me to tell him without actually telling him?

I walk over to my desk and pull out a sheet of paper and an envelope. I begin to write my explanation.

~1 Day Before Marinette Leaves~

This is my last full day here. I need to tell him today. I need to give him this letter. I look around my dorm. Majority of my things are in boxes, but I still have a lot of stuff I need to pack. But that's a task for tomorrow.

I grab the letter, put it in my pocket, and make my way towards his dorm.

I reach his dorm and knock. I hear movement and a few moments later his door opens. "Nino's not here." He says with a smirk.

He's teasing me again. This is a good start. Right?

I smile. "Damn it. That defeats my whole purpose for being here." He laughs. "What's up?" "Well I got bored and I missed hanging out with my loser best friend. Do you know if he's busy?" Adrien taps on his chin.

"Well after calling him a loser, I think he'd rather just do his homework." "Agreste." I whine and he laughs. He closes the door to his dorm and steps closer to me. "I'm kidding. What's the plan for today?"

And just like that everything was back to normal. It sucks that our friendship got fixed right before I leave, but at least I can go knowing we're okay.

If I would've known it was going to be this easy I would've come a whole lot sooner. But maybe if I did things still would've been awkward. Maybe it was just because enough time had passed.

Now time for the hard part: giving him the letter.

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