Chapter 27: It Hurts

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"M? You haven't left your room in 2 days. You need to go out." "I can't. Every time I go out I see him with her. It hurts Alya." She pulls me into her. "I know it does. But you have to go to your classes."

I wipe my tears. "I can't." "Marinette you'll get through this. I know you will. You just have to keep pushing. Him and Chloe won't last. We all know this." They've been dating for a month now. This is the longest he's stood with any girl.

"Let's face the truth. He likes her and she's not going anytime soon." "Why don't you talk to him about it? Maybe it's time to tell him how you feel." "Are you crazy? Then I'd lose him. I can't lose him." She sighs and places her hand over mine.

"When was the last time you've had an actual conversation with him?" I break out into sobs. I haven't had a real conversation with him since we had ice cream. That was 2 weeks ago. Is this really what we've come to? Now that he's in a relationship he's just going to throw me aside?

"2 weeks ago." Alya brushes hair out of my face. "I'm sorry to say this M, but it already looks like you're losing him. Why not take that risk and talk to him?" I shake my head. "I can't."

Losing him to a girlfriend is a different feeling. If I were to lose him because I confessed my feelings, that'd be a whole new level of pain.

She nods. "Okay. I won't force you to do anything you're not ready for." I rest my head on her shoulder as I continue to cry.

"But I am going to force you to put yourself out there. You can't spend the rest of the year crying in your room when he's out there not even batting an eye to what he's doing to you."


I took Alya's advice. I might've taken it 2 days later, but I still took it. And of course the first thing I see when I enter the cafeteria is Adrien sitting with Chloe. He's sitting there, laughing with her. We make eye contact and I quickly look away.

I walk over to the trays and grab one. "Marinette." I turn and see Luka walking over to me. "Luka. Hey." He smiles at me but as soon as he sees my face his smile drops. "What's wrong?" "What do you mean? Nothings wrong."

"Your eyes are red and puffy. You've been crying." "God is it still noticeable?" I pull out my phone and open the camera app. Just like he said red and puffy.

"It's nothing." My eyes land on Adrien and quickly back to Luka. Luka's eyes follow mine. "It's his loss." "Hm?" "He's dumb for not realizing you were under his nose this whole time." My eyes fill with tears. "Do I really make it that obvious?" I laugh as I wipe a tear and he shakes his head.

"No. I just pay attention to you." Blush finds its way into my cheeks. "You do?" He nods. "Anyways, um Jagged Stone is having a concert Saturday and I have 2 tickets."

My eyes drift back to the table and I see Adrien staring at me. He stands up, but Chloe places a hand on his arm. I look back at Luka.

"When did Jagged come back to Paris?" "I think yesterday. I heard rumors that he's back because he wants to see his kids." "Oh wow. I didn't even know he had kids." "Yeah. Um- Anyways I'm getting off topic." He smiles down at me and I laugh a little.

My eyes find their way back to Adrien and Chloe. He's telling her something and gesturing to me.

"I was wondering if maybe you'd want to go with me?"

I watch as Adrien lowers himself to press a kiss to her lips. My heart drops to my stomach.

"I'm sorry what?" Luka has all my undivided attention now. "Would you want to go out with me?" "L- like a date?" I stammer. I'm taken by surprise. I never once thought Luka would be interested in me.

I guess that's another thing Alya was right about. I just assumed he was a very sweet guy. Not that he isn't. But now I know that he was extra sweet to me for a reason.

"Yeah. A date." His eyes are so full of hope. This could be what I need to get over Adrien. I can see myself in a relationship with Luka. I can see myself happy with him.

"You can take your time to think about it if you want. I don't mind waiting for you." My heart melts for him. I smile and nod. "I'd love to go out with you."

"Great. How does Saturday at 7 sound?" "That sounds good." He smiles and walks away.

"What was that about?" Adrien places a kiss on my cheek as he reaches my side. "None of your business Agreste." "Ouch. Is that any way to talk to your best friend?" I roll my eyes and start to walk away from him.

He grabs my arm and spins me back to him. "Mari-" "Adrien don't. You haven't talked to me in 2 weeks. I'm sure that's not the way to treat your so called 'best friend' right?" "It works both ways Mari. You could've come to me too."

"When? Before or after you were with Chloe?" "What's your deal with her? You've been acting weird since we started seeing each other." "Because I love you, you idiot!"

Is what I want to say. But I wouldn't have the guts to say that to him. Never would I ever say that to him.

"I haven't been acting weird." "Yes you have. You've been distant." "No I haven't." "Yes Mari. You have. Every time I tried talking to you after class you'd come up with some clearly fake excuse, and rush out.  I just figured you were upset or something."

Is this really on me? Have I really been acting weird with him? I haven't even noticed. But still, the Adrien before Chloe would've never let us go 2 weeks without talking.

"I- I'm not upset." "You're not?" I shake my head and he smiles. "That's good. I'm glad." He slides his hand into mine and I want to pull it away. But I can't. No matter how badly I want to, my body won't let me.

"Why don't we do something to make up for the 2 weeks?" I nod my head. "Yeah that's sounds fine." "How does Saturday sound?" "Actually I have plans." "Plans? When do you ever have plans?"

I roll my eyes. "I'll try not to be offended by that-" "I really didn't mean it that way I swear." I smile. "I know." "So are you and Alya gonna paint each other's toes and gossip about boys?" He teases.

"Very funny. If you must know. I have a date." "A date?" His hand slides out of mine and I nod. "Yeah." His whole demeanor changes. The look in his eyes is... unreadable. That never happens. I'm always able to read him.

"W- with who?" "Luka." "Um Luka? I thought you said you wouldn't date him?" "What? I never said that." "I swear you did." "Well you swear wrong. Luka's sweet. I was always able to picture myself with him."

"Always?" He asks with a hint of what I think is hurt in his voice. I don't know maybe I'm imagining things.

"Well not always, but he is someone I can see myself with now." "Is he the only person you can think of that you can see yourself with?" Adrien asks looking down at me.

Something shifts between us, but I just don't know what. The air around us grows thick. Adrien steps closer to me and I quickly point to the table. "Um. I think Chloe's waiting for you." He turns his head and Chloe has her eyes right on us.

"Right. I should probably get back to her." He says softly. "Yeah, but um- I'll see you around?" He nods and walks back to Chloe.

A/N: I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to do every other chapter of the past. I feel like that would be easier than having to roll both in one chapter and it would make the story line clear for you all!

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