Chapter 34: You Made Up!

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~Thursday, December 15th~
"Mari. I think I found something." Adrien's hand rests on the back of my chair. I look up at Alya and she's watching us.

"Okay. I'll meet you in the conference room." Adrien nods and walks away. "Al you have some serious issues." I say with a laugh. "What do you mean?"

"You're watching us like a hawk." I grab papers off my desk and stand up. "I never know when the next argument is going to break out. I'm determined to use the next one as a way for you guys to make up."

I roll my eyes and start walking away. "Never going to happen." "You say that now, but just you watch! You guys will be best friends again by next week!" I laugh and keep walking. "Yeah good luck with that."


As soon as I walk into the conference room, Adrien shuts the door and slams his mouth onto mine. "God what took you so long?" He doesn't give me a chance to answer. He continues kissing me as I laugh.

"Adrien-" He presses his lips to mine and moves down to leave trails on my neck. "-did you really find something or did you just call me in here so we can sneak around?" I feel his smile pressed against my skin.

"A little bit of both?" He's lying. He came in here to kiss me. As flattering as that is, we really need to work on this case.

He reconnects his lips with mine. I wrap my arms around him. Allowing him to savor the kiss before break it.

"Even though I know you found nothing, I actually did." "It can wait." He leans in to kiss me again but I pull back.

"I'm being serious." He looks down at me with pleading eyes. I roll my eyes and shake my head.

"Fine." He sits at a chair. I smile and give him a quick peck. "That's all you're getting for now."

I sit in the seat across from him. He has a smile plastered on his face. He mumbles, "For now." as quietly as he can. It's loud enough for me to still hear him.

I laugh as I place a paper in front of him. "It was actually really easy to see who he was in contact with." I place a paper in front of him.

"This is a list of people who Jagged has been seen with and who he's been talking to." Adrien grabs the list and looks it over.

He mumbles each name as he goes down the list. He stops and furrows his eyebrows when he gets to the one I was nervous about him seeing.

"My fathers in here. You don't really think he can be the one behind this do you?"

"This is just a list. I'm not saying that any of these people are Hawkmoth or Mayura. But I'm not ruling any of them out yet." "So you're saying he could be?" I shrug. "It's a possibility."

"Come on Mari. This is ridiculous. My father wouldn't do this. He knows how it feels to lose someone important to him." He says making a reference to his mom.

"No I know but-" "Then why is he on the list?" "Because he was in contact with Jagged." "I don't want to have to dig up information on my father Mari. I don't want to have anything to do with him."

"You don't have to. I'll look into him." I grab the list back and look it over. I smile as I look up at him. "You can look into Chloe." "What? No way she's on the list."

"She is." "There has to be someone else." "Okay fine. There's your dad, Aubrey Bougerois, Chloe, Juleka, Luka, and Jagged's Assistant Penny. Take your 3."

"Juleka, Luka, and Penny." "You're giving me both Bougerois'?" "Okay fine. I'll give you Juleka and I'll take Aubrey." "Deal." "You have exactly one week to get all the information on them that you can." He nods.

We collect our stuff and stand up. Adrien walks over to the door and holds it open for me. "At your service princess." I laugh. "Will you quit it with that?"

He smiles. "I'm just teasing." "Yeah yeah. Whatever." I start to walk away and he follows at my side. "Are you doing anything after work?" "Why?" I ask. He speeds up slightly and stops right in front of me.

"Want to get dinner together?" I look up at him "That depends on what we get." "Your pick. I could eat anything." "Even sushi?" He hates sushi.

Or at least he did. I have no idea if the Adrien in front of me is the same from the Adrien I knew. He's different in some areas. A lot of areas. But if he is anything like the man I fell in love with then I'm in deep trouble.

I can't accept falling in love with him again. And the reason I agreed to this arrangement? I don't know. I guess the old me took charge again. I need to keep as much distance as I can. We're just friends that occasionally kiss. Nothing more.

He leans towards me. "I'll have you know that my tastebuds have changed." "Have they now?" I lean in too. He smiles at my movement. "Yep. It's like I have a brand new tongue. I can show you some time."

My heart beat quickens. I really really hope he's talking about kissing again. I don't know if I'm ready for more with him yet. We just agreed to kissing right? I have no idea what I signed up for when I agreed to try whatever this is out.

I clear my throat and lean away. "So sushi then?" He leans back and scans me up and down. He nods. "Sushi it is. I'll wait for you in the front." I nod and just as he starts to walk away he stops in his tracks.

Alya is standing in front of us with a huge smile. "I knew it." How much of this did she see? How much did she hear? "I knew it!" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Knew what?" "You guys made up!" She says excitedly. She throws her arms around both of us.

"Wait until Nino hears about this." She pulls out her phone and a few moments later the doors burst open and Nino rushes in.

"Sushi with the group? Count me in!" A huge smile is plastered on his face. "When did this happen?"

Adrien and I exchange a look before turning back to them. "After Alya called me to check on him." "I knew you were lying when you said nothing changed! Oh my god! I'm so happy." "I'll call Tom!" "I'll call Sabine!" They shout and walk away from us.

"There goes the date." Date? "I'll make it up to you Mari. Don't worry." He kisses my cheek and walks down the hall.

No. No no no. There wasn't supposed to be any dates. He never mentioned that to me! My entire plan is backfiring! I can not- CAN NOT FALL BACK IN LOVE WITH HIM! I refuse to become the girl I worked so hard to bury.

He walks back to me. And it's a good thing he did. Now I can figure out what this is and let him know it's not anything serious. Serious complicates things.

"Adrien-" "I just thought I should mention that I have flowers for you in my car so we should probably be quick so they don't walk us." "You bought me flowers?" He smiles. "Of course I did. Red and pink roses. Your favorite."

I don't even care that we're out in the open. I jump onto him. He stumbles a little from my unexpected action, but then his arms immediately wrap around me. I pull him into a kiss.

Just the fact that he still remembers the little details even though it's been years, means so much to me. "Thank you." This is going to be harder than I thought.

A/N: Another filler chapter, but don't worry the drama is coming SOON!😜

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