Chapter 46: The Aftermath

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~Saturday, January 1st~

"I feel bad. I never asked how it went with your dad." Marinette says as I take the seat on my couch beside her. "It was fine. He agreed to try to mend things." "And you? How do you feel about this?" I shrug as I grab the remote.

"I don't know. I have a feeling I can't trust him." He sighs and turns to me. "Are you ready for the video?" She nods and I press play.

The video takes place in a dark alley. A shadowy figure dressed in all black walks into the frame but it's hard to place whether it's a guy or girl.

A few moments later, XY walks in and they start having a discussion. They're talking so low that we can't even hear what they're saying. The shadowy figure pulls out a gun and fires it at XY.

Adrien immediately turns off the video. "We can inspect the video afterwards." I say. Marinette turns towards me and I can't help but take this time to read her. "Everything okay?" She shakes her head.

"I don't know. I feel like each day that passes the closer Hawkmoth is to killing somebody else." "I feel like we're getting closer." "How? It's been a little over a month since we were put on this case and it still feels like we're in the exact same place."

"We have this video now." "But what does that prove? We can't even make out who fired the gun." "It's better than nothing Mari." "Is it? Cause honestly it feels like we're just going in circles."

I study her before answering. Somethings off. I just can't pinpoint what it is exactly.

"What exactly happened at the party?" "I already told you Agreste. Nothing." "Why are you acting like this all of a sudden?" "Like what?"

"You're freaked out. About what Mari?" She shakes her head and scoffs. "Are you serious? You don't think I can have strong feelings about this case?"

Something's definitely wrong. She's trying to start an argument. But why? What could you possibly be hiding Mari?

"That's not what I said. This is just unlike you." "Well maybe you don't know me the way you think you do." I can't help but laugh. That's the farthest thing from the truth. I know her even better than I know myself.

"You're picking a fight over nothing. I'm just stating a point." I catch her rolling her eyes before she grabs her bag. "And so am I. A lot can change in 6 years Agreste." Ouch. And with that she walks out the door.

What the hell just happened? Why is she acting out like this? I get up and follow after her. She gets in the elevator and I jump in just before the doors shut.

I press the stop button. She glares at me. "Talk to me sweetheart." Her gaze softens. "What's going on?" I see tears fill her eyes. "I can't tell you."

"Of course you can. I had to promise to keep my mouth shut." My body fills with rage. Who the hell is messing with my girl?

"Who'd you have to promise?" She shakes my head and my heart breaks a little. Who could've possibly made her this upset?

"You can trust me." She nods. "I know I can. Just promise me one thing." I nod and tilt her chin up to face me. "Anything Mari." "Promise me that no matter what happens, you'll always trust me?" "With my whole heart." I hold up my pinky and she smiles and she locks it with her own.

~Saturday, January 8th~

"What's going on with M?" Alya asks as she walks up to my desk. "I don't know. Somethings been off with her for a week now."

"What happened?" I shrug. "She wondered off while I was talking to my dad and when she came back she was completely different."

Alya gasps and starts to walk away. "Where are you going?" "I think I know what's up. Give me a sec!" She rushes out of the building.


Alya appears at my desk out of breath. "Everything okay Al?" She nods. "I know what's up with you." "What? Nothings up with me."

"You're upset. Someone must've told you something at the party and it upset you." "What? What are you even talking about?"

"Cut the shit Marinette. You've been off for a week and you know it. Talk to me." My hand unconsciously tugs on my earring. "I don't know what you mean." She raises her brow at me and I sigh.

"Okay fine. All I'm saying is Nathalie may have said something that kinda rubbed me the wrong way." "That bitch. What did she say?"

"It was honestly nothing. I'm just being dramatic." "Marinette-" "I'm fine though. I promise. I just had to get over it. And I did." She gives me a smile that says she doesn't believe me, but she'll shut up so she doesn't upset me.



This one may be a little boring but bare with me please, all the fillers help get me on the road I need to get on!!

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