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Gwen sat quietly reading a book while, her friend, Eva, sat behind her while using her phone. Gwen turned around and smiled at Eva. "Want to hang out after school?" Gwen asked.

Eva didn't even spare a glance to Gwen. "Can't. My parents are going out, so I'm stuck babysitting my bother after school."

Gwen frowned. "That's alright then. Maybe next time." She said. Eva hummed, and nodded her head.


Walking through the hall's, Gwen glared down at her phone as she raid the messages from Cam. She rolled her eyes, wanting to punch the boy, but he was nowhere around for him to do that.

From afar, she could see her boyfriend, Peter, walking out go his class. Gwen smiled and ran over to him. "Hi." She smiled.


He turned around and smiled back rather. "You're early. I'm guessing you got out earlier than usual."

Gwen nodded her head. "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out after school today?" Gwen asked.

Peter shook his head. "Can't, I'm busy. I have to help out my dad with a few things at home." He said.

"I see. Then maybe another time."

"Sure. Sounds like a date." He pinched her cheek. Gwen smiled as she slapped his hand away. "Cutie."

"I'll see you later."


Gwen went home that day completely bored. Her father was always too busy focusing on his student, so he didn't have the time to spend with his daughter, which was okay. Gwen understood why. As for Cam, he never really went out, so there was no point in asking him to go hang out with her, because he usually just stayed here.

Gwen tried to study, but that didn't work out well. But her phone suddenly buzzed. She picked it up, hoping it was her boyfriend messaging her. Gwen sighed in disappointment and rolled her eyes when she saw the it was her brother. "Dang it, Cam."

Gwen stood up from her bed and walked out of her room and over to Cam's. "What do you want?" She asked annoyed.

"You seem happy." Cam said sarcastically, a smirk plastered over his face. Gwen so badly wanted to slap him. "Can you do me a favor?"

"And that is..?"

"Can you go into town and get a few things for me? I'm working on something really important."

"Why can't you go?" Gwen asked.

"You already know why. Please." He pleaded, pouting his lips.

Gwen rolled her eyes and sighed. "Fine." She said.

"Thanks." Cam grabbed a piece of paper and began writing a few things down. Then he handed the paper to Gwen. "This is the stuff I need."

Gwen grabbed the paper and took a look at it. She rolled her eyes and glared at Cam. "Why is pizza written on here?" She asked.

"I was too lazy to cook today." He shrugged.

Gwen rolled her eyes once more, then left.


Gwen was able to get all the supplies he needed. She wasn't planning to get the pizza for Cam, but she was also hungry.

While waiting for the pizza to be ready, Gwen sat at a table, continuously checking her phone. She wasn't sure as to why, but most likely because she was bored.

She laid her head on the table and looked out the window, watching the rain pour down on the ground. She watched people run around with their jackets covering their heads as they ran into random buildings. Gwen couldn't help but to laugh at them.

Across the street was the movie theater. People were getting sat as they waited in line to watch a movie. But on the other side, Gwen could see two familiar people walking out. She sat up confused as both Eva and Peter walked out together.

Peter smiled down at Eva as he held her hand. Gwen was sure her heart was ripped out of her chest. The sight of her boyfriend and best friend holding hand absolutely pained her.

Peter opened up the umbrella and the two walked away. Gwen wasn't even sure how to react. She wasn't sure if she should even cry. She just felt so empty.


When she got home, she went to Cam's room and handed him the pizza. Cam offered her a few slices, but after what she saw, she wasn't even hungry anymore. So she declined and went back to her room.

Cam noticed how unresponsive she was. He stood up and walked over to her room. "Hey, are you alright?" He asked.

Gwen only laid on her bed, turned away from him and hugging a pillow. "I'm fine." She lied.

Cam sighed. "I know you're not, but I won't ask." He closed the door behind him and left to his room.

Gwen laid in bed for the rest of the night. She didn't even bother to eat dinner. She had lost all her energy.

She had never felt so betrayed.

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