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Monsters have been on the Surface for about a week now. Things have been good. Some were already starting to settle into houses and apartments. Nashira for one, was happy. This meant for customers, more gigs even. She wasn't a singer, nor was she a dancer. She didn't crack jokes, or mime, or do ventriloquism. She, for lack of a better term, was a mind reader. She didn't actually read minds, she could just read people. Read souls. She could tell a person's emotions, see 'glimpses' of what they'd been through. It was all a matter of extreme observation and her unique soul trait of 'insight'. She didn't sucker the audience, She just liked to entertain. Where she entertained, she often got paid. Many liked her shows, liked to volunteer for her performances. There was always haters. If they didn't think she was phoney, they thought she was just mooching off of them. Again, that wasn't the case,  but she wasn't going to pick a fight over it. Everyone was entitled to their own opinions.


Nashira groaned as her alarm went off. She wanted to sleep.  But the device was persistent and she knew she had to get up from the comfort of her bed eventually. So she rolled off the bed and 'greeted' the floor with a thump. With another groan she got off the floor, checking the time. 6:07. It was to early.. she dragged her feet to the bathroom and stripped, going to take a shower. The water was nice and warm, and helped her to wake up more. Nashira wasn't a morning person, but today was the exception. The landlord of her apartment was moving three monster families in, the first month was free while they got on their feet. It was quite a generous offer for her to do. Nashira wanted to be wake when her new neighbors moved in. Apparently that was happening at 7:30, which is why she was up now. She grabbed her towel, stepping out of the shower. Her slightly curled copper hair stuck to her skin as she looked for something decent to wear. She ultimately decided on a pair of black leggings, a Imagine Dragons short sleeve shirt, and her favorite baggy white hoodie. She brushed her hair and her teeth, grabbing her keys, phone, and a donut before leaving her apartment and locking the door behind her.


She and a few other eager people waited in the lobby for the moment to come. Nashira was currently leaning comfortably against the off white wall of the lobby. She checked the time on her phone. 7:43. "Late.." Were they supposed to be late? She sighed and closed her bight amber eyes for a nap. That's when the door opened. She cracked an eye open. First came a human child and a goat man. The way the man held himself, he was of high stature. The caring look on his face told you that her cared deeply for the red eyed child and that he'd lost someone, no, many someone's before. All likely children. The human looked rather happy, but they were hiding something. Something deep and dark. Something big. The next to come was a couple of monsters, a lizard and a fish. They were definitely a couple, the lizard being a warrior that wanted what was best for her people. The fish had a deep regret in her eyes. She'd done something bad as well. Then the skeletons came. One was short, he was the older of the two, judging by the subtle glances he gave the taller. He seemed to have a good soul, he was confident in his stance, though he seemed to have slight insecurity problems. The taller was more laid back. He seemed to work hard for the eldest to be happy, hiding his own depression... and something else.

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