The Dog

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"There was some lasserations and bruising on her side and stomach that we'd cleaned up and treated and her left foreleg has been popped back in place. She'll be sore, but otherwise fine." The vet, Dr. Asline, explained to Nashira (who had to call off of Grillby's and pick up another shift, but as long as the dog would be ok, she was fine with that.). "Does she have a home? Any chips or tags?" Dr. Asline shook her head. "None that we have found. We can hold her for a day then she will have to be transferred to a shelter."
"Um, if it's ok, I'll take her. She seems like a sweetheart. She was probably dumped on the streets by someone who couldn't take care of her or something. She's definitely not feral or rabid or anything like that." Nashira said. On her walk here, the dog had woke up. At first she'd panicked, yelping and whining, but after Nashira calmed her down with gentle pets she had given Nashira loving doggy kisses. "I... don't see why not. Do you have the items necessary to own a dog?" Dr. Asline asked. "I can get them while she's here for the night." Nashira replied.


What was she thinking!? "Do I even have the MONEY to take care of a dog?! I mean, Honey IS adorable, but- oh great. I just named her.." Guess owning a dog was now on your schedule. She was just so perfect though. With her coarse honey colored fur and sweet personality, it was the perfect name. Sticking to the honey/bee theme, Nashira got her a collar with bees decorating the light blue band. There was a matching leash along with a crinkly bee toy, a squeaker honey bottle, a 'Sorry, buzz-y eating' food bowl, and a dog water dispenser ironically shaped like a bear like most honey bottles were. The best part... you ran into a couple of friendly faces while carrying it all out. "Sans! Papyrus! Hey guys! I could use a bit of help here!" Sans grabbed a couple bags and Papyrus got the water dispenser. "you got a dog?" He asked. "Sort of. I found her wounded in an alley and she needed a place to stay while she heals." Nashira explained. "awe, that's so sweet of you." She chuckled while Sans looked uneasy. "IS SHE TRAINED?" You shrugged. "Just got her."


Nashira let herself and the boys in. "NASHIRA, WHY ARE ALL THESE BEE AND HONEY THEMED?" Blue asked, smirking. "Contrary to your belief, it's because my dog's name is Honey and I wanted to fit the theme." Sans nodded, but his smirk didn't drop. "OK, WHY IS THE DOG NAMED HONEY?" Blue asked. "Because she's sweet!" Shira defended. "It's not Papyrus related at all!" Or that's what she kept telling herself. "awe, that's unbeelievable! you're so sweet, Shira! i can bearly beeleve that i had such a big impact on your life, especially since i tend to bumble around." Shira and Sans stared hard at Papyrus, one blushing, the other less than impressed. "UNBELIEVABLE."
"you mean unbeelievable." Sans stomped. "papyrus stop!!!" Shira couldn't help but laugh at the dynamic duo. "What would I do if I didn't have you boys in my life?" She questioned. Papyrus grinned like a doofus and shrugged. "i dunno." Sans chuckled. "I COULD ASK THE SAME, NASHIRA. YOU ARE VERY IMPORTANT TO US, YOU KNOW. DON'T WORK YOURSELF TO THE BONE." Sans worried AND punned, catching the unofficial couple off guard. Papyrus sniffed, wiping away a fake tear. "so proud."

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