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Nashira sat across from Papyrus while they awaited their beverages. "So... honey, huh?" She asked, trying to break the thick silence between them. "mmhm. couldn't read that, madam mind reader?" Papyrus mused. "I probably would have guessed it after awhile, but you know that's not how it actually works." Papyrus quirked a bonebrow, resting his chin in the palm of his right hand. "do i now?" She smirked at him, looking him in the sockets. "Speaking that you know what a mentalist is, it's fairly safe to assume." He chuckled quietly. "yeah, guess so. ya got me there. so if you couldn't tell honey was my thing, how did you know dark chocolate was chara's?" That was a good question. "I watched them eat some dark chocolate before the show, so I took a gamble and guessed it was their favorite. "some gamble. if you'd gotten that wrong, many woulda shunned ya or something." He commented. "Many already do shun me. What's it matter if a few more do? You'll have your fans and you'll have your haters." She shrugged. "so i'm curious. what can you read from me?" Papyrus asked suddenly. "You... want me to read you?"
"what's the harm?"


Nashira took a good look at the lanky skeleton. "You are the younger between you and the other skeleton, your brother, I'm guessing. At some point, you took over protecting him rather than the other way around. Something from your past, some sort of trauma has been affecting you in a major way, though you haven't gotten help for any of it. Your analytical gaze tells me you'd worked or are working a scientific profession. There's something else, something I can't quite put my finger on it though." She concluded her analysis. It was only a baseline. There could be more, but RJ would be coming back soon, and she figured Papyrus would appreciate the privacy. He was staring at her in silence now. "I did warn you. It was silent, but it was there."
"Hey I'm back guys, here's the drinks!" RJ chirped. Thank the stars. "Coco, coco, coco!" Nashira chanted as the honey and drink was distributed along with donuts. "So what were you talking about? Anything interesting?"
"just a bit bout her unique gift of observation." She laughed. "It's not even that really. She reads people like a champ but can never find her keys." RJ said. "Rude."
"No her talent lies in her soul."
"How dare you tell my secrets." Nashira joked, while sipping her coco.


Papyrus was more or less silent and contemplative. Nashira could only guess that she'd been right about his 'reading' and now he was wondering the how's and why's. RJ wasn't wrong, it was something to do with her soul that helped her pick up on these things. She was curious as to what happened to Papyrus, why didn't he get help for his problems, and what it was that he was still hiding? Now wasn't the time to ask, but she was his neighbor, so there was plenty of time for that. "so are you two a couple or something?" Papyrus asked suddenly, apparently done with his long contemplation process. He was trying to change the subject from earlier, she could tell. She allowed it too, as both her and RJ busted out laughing. This confused the tall skeleton. "i... haven't even started punning yet, did i miss the punch line?" Nashira just laughed harder. "Oh man. I suppose to anyone it could look like that. No. Shira and I are just close friends." Papyrus made the 'ah' expression. "He wouldn't touch me with a ten and a half foot pole." Nashira wheezed. "Hey! What am I the Grinch?"
"Maybe." She winked as he rolled his eyes. Papyrus was confused so the duo explained about the Grinch and his song. Soon he was joining in on the fun.


"Welp, miss Shira, I should probably get heading back home." She whirled on RJ. "How dare you drive out of state only to visit for two days!" He held his hands up in surrender. "Hey, hey. I still got other people to see and my time is limited before college starts up again." He defended. She narrowed her eyes at him. "What are you waiting for then? Give me a hug!" He chuckled and they hugged it out. "Bye Shira! Get a boyfriend!" He waved. "I will if you do!" She shot back. "We'll see!" He left the bakery with a chime from the doors bell. Nashira chuckled. "welp. i should probably get going too. sans will have a cornary if i don't get home by noon at the latest." She quirked a brow. "Your big brother?" Papyrus nodded. "Well. Believe it or not, we actually live in the same building. Wanna walk together?" He tilted his head. "do we now? i thought i'd seen ya before that show. that's a sweet offer, but i have to decline. maybe another time?" He offered to which she nodded. Papyrus knew that she wanted to ask about his 'reading' and he didn’t want to answer. With time, she'd forget about it. He could keep his secrets to himself.

One In A Million Stars (Blind Swap Papyrus X OC)Where stories live. Discover now