Cause for Concern

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With taking care of Honey and work, Nashira had less and less time for herself and in extention, less and less time for the boys. Papyrus only ever saw her at Muffets and he was pretty damn worried. Her whole posture screamed exhaustion, she really was working herself to death. He wasn't the only one to notice. When he brought his concerns to Muffet, the spider lady shook her head. "I know deary.. I’ve been trying to have her take the day off, but she's so insistent it's scary. She won't listen to me. But perhaps she'd listen to you, a good friend of hers?" Muffet suggested. "i'll certainly try." He agreed immediately.


"hey shira. we need to talk. preferably somewhere private, if you would." Papyrus tracked her to one of the tables as she cleared the mess so the table could be cleaned. "Sorry Pap, I can't right now. I'm kinda busy if you can't tell." She gestured to the table she was currently clearing off. "it won't take long, muffet said you could have a break." Papyrus reasoned. "just five minutes?" He asked. "My break isn't for another half an hour and I need to walk Honey." Nashira continued what she was doing. Papyrus huffed and laid a hand on her back, teleporting them a few blocks down.


Nashira wasn't happy about this. "What the hell, Papyrus!" She whirled on the slightly startled skeleton, who would have been more off guard if he hadn't known that she was utterly exhausted and not in the best state of mind. He even told her as much. "shira, i don't know what's going on with you, but you're scaring me. your scaring sans. you look like you haven't had decent sleep in days and you won't take any breaks but the required ones. muffet's giving you the day off. please take it, nashira." She stubbornly shook her head and checked the time. "Honey needs out. I've gotta go." Papyrus caught her arm. "i can take honey out. why don't you get some rest?" She shifted in place and pulled away. "Thanks for the offer Pap, but no thank you. I'll be ok." Nashira smiled and walked away, leaving Papyrus defeated on the sidewalk. Stressed, he lit a cigarette as he tried to wrack his metaphorical brain for a way to get her to listen and rest.


Even Honey was worried as she tried to stay in the apartment rather than rush to the door as she tended to do.  She'd definitely been getting better in the couple weeks that Nashira had her and she was an excitable fluffbutt. Her lasserations have scarred over and her bruises had faded, she was nearly completely healed, much to Nashira's relief. "C'mon sweetheart, we've only got 15 minutes. We gotta go." Honey backed herself further down the hallway and towards Nashira's bedroom. Nashira groaned. "Not you too! I swear I'm fine! Just come here!" Nashira advanced forward. Honey took off down the hall. "Honey!!" Nashira ran after the canine, or tried too. She didn't exactly have the energy to run per say. It was more like something between a walk and a jog. "Hooooooonnnnnneeeyyyyyyyyyyy. I don't have time for your games!" She was sprawled on the bed, as if she were napping herself. Nashira tried to be sneaky about it, but just as she leaned over to latch Honey's leash on, Honey pulled away and off the bed. Nashira tumbled onto the bed simultaneously, but instead of getting up... she was out.

Dog- 1

Owner- 0

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