Tavern Mind Reader

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"Thank you, thank you!" The fire monster shook her hand. 'What have I just agreed to?' "When would you like me to preform, Mr. Grillby?" One thing she learned quickly, Grillby overpriced everything, which mean that she'd be getting paid well for this gig. Plus it was for the Queen and her friends, along with the ambassador of the monsters. She'd been looking forward to performing her 'tricks' to the monster Queen and ambassador. Hopefully they'd like it. "Tonight at 6, if you could." Grillby asked hopefully. "Naturally. That works well with me." Again, Nashira agreed. With hasty and excited goodbyes, he went into his new tavern, likely to prepare for the Queen's coming. "Well ok... I guess I got a gig now." She turned around, and started to head home to prepare for this new gig. Not that she actually had to do much to prepare. It was funny really. She'd simply been on a walk, enjoying the peace when she ran into Grillby. He mentioned that he'd caught one of her gigs at a birthday party at the park and asked if she could perform at his opening ceremony tonight. So that's how that happened.


Nashira threw her curled copper hair into a ponytail, as she fixed her black T-shirt. She was something a bit more formal, seeing as she would be in the Queen's presence. Plain black t shirt, teal long sleeve button up, that she left unbuttoned, black leggings, and blue and orange shoes. Ad in a small 'love' necklace and a wolf bracelet, you were ready. With one more look in the mirror, she was more or less ready to go. She checked the time. 3:42. "I've got plenty of time... maybe I could meet the new neighbors and see how they are settling in-" Her phone buzzed. "Or not.." She muttered, checking to see who it was. "Oh? Oh! Yes! My best gay boyo is here! RJ, RJ, RJ!!!!!" Nashira went running, chanting RJ the entire way, probably annoying the crap out of the newer neighbors while those who at least decently knew her were chuckling. RJ was like a brother to Nashira, they'd grown up together and she was the first person he came out to. She fully supported him of course. She unfortunately didn't see him as much anymore because he was going to college a State over for Nursing. So when he did visit- she spotted him in the lobby and jumped, wrapping her arms around his neck, her legs around his torso, and her head into his shoulder while he tried balance himself out- that usually happened. He laughed. "Hello to you too, Shira." He started carrying her back to her apartment.


"-and then I got this gig at a monster tavern and will be strutting my stuff in front of the monster Queen and her friends. Oh! And now the human ambassador lives here with her monster goat dad, and the lesbian monster couple lives here, they are adorable together let me tell you, and a couple of skeletons! So, how are you?" Nashira finally finished her tale of what's been going on with her life, RJ trying to keep up. "Uh... I broke up with my boyfriend..." RJ replied, still trying to sort through the whirlwind of information he'd been given. "Oh stars! I'm sorry RJ... should I track him down and beat him to a pulp for you?" She offered. He looked at her sharply. "Shira no! It just wasn't working between us, we both agreed that we should see other people. I need to focus on my studies and couldn't divide my attention between them and him. We both recognized this." He shrugged, sighing. "Maybe someday... what about your love life?" He wiggled his eyebrows. She snickered. "Still as bland and tasteless as ever. I swear, I'm going to die a crazy dog woman." RJ tilted his head. "Isn't the term 'crazy cat woman'?" She waved him off. "Cats are to mainstream. We need something new."
"Just like using windows instead of doors?"
"YES EXACTLY! You are the only one who understands me. Wait, what time is it?"
"Almost 5, has it been that long already?" Nashira grabbed RJ's hand. "We gotta go!"


"Hello everyone, it's your least favorite unknown person." You waved to the crowd of monsters and a few humans. With the Queen, she noticed that most of her majesties friends were actually Nashira's neighbors with the inclusion of monster star, Napstaton and a ghost. "My name is Nashira Rossi. Now. I've got a question. What do you think I'm doing as an act? I'll give you hints." The ambassador, Chara, raised their hand. "Yes, young 12 year old kid with the rare ruby eyes and sweet tooth. Let me guess, dark chocolate?" They blinked. "Uh... yeah... um... you're... not a comedian, are you." She chuckled. "Nope, good guess though." A few others made guesses. Magician, hypnotist, alien. "Wait- alien. I wish, but nope." Finally I heard the orange hooded skeleton say it. "You there, skeleton sweet tooth, what was that?" The skeleton raised a bone brow. "yer a mentalist... right?" She grinned. "That's correct. I'm a mind reader." So the show went on.

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