Lanky and Adorable

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"I INSIST HUMAN! AS A THANK YOU FOR SHOWING ME THE TRAILS, YOU MUST COME TO DINNER!" Sans insisted. Nashira quirked a brow and had a show of thinking about it, which made Sans nervous. Papyrus was trying his best not to laugh, he recognized that Nashira was teasing Sans. "Alright, alright I'll come." She agreed. "What time should I be there?" Shira asked. "IMMEDIATELY!!!" Sans grabbed her and Papyrus arms, dragging them back to the complex. She looked at Papyrus, who looked at her in amusement. "don't worry, this is normal and his tacos aren't deadly." He pushed through the doors and dragged them down the first floor hall, stopping at one of the doors. It was only then that me let go in favor of pulling out his keys to unlock the door. "So... how do you like living here?"
"IT IS GOOD, BUT THIS IS ONLY TEMPORARY UNTIL OUR HOUSE IS BUILT." Sans replied. "Oh?" Papyrus nodded. "upon converting our currency to yours, monsters became rich. so we are all building our own places with some of it. should be done within the week." She felt disappointment knaw at her for some reason, but before Papyrus could ask, she was dragged inside.


Nashira wasn't sure that she was expecting of the skeleton brother's place. It was rather simple with a plush green couch, a TV, a bone painting, and a table with a rock covered with sprinkles in the corner. Her soul told her that it was of sentimental value, so she decided not to question it to much. "HAVE A SEAT WHILE I MAKE DINNER!" He disappeared into the kitchen, she felt he likely spent a lot of time in there. Papyrus casually wandered over to the couch, she decided to join him. "So where's this house being built, if you don't mind my asking?" He pulled a random bottle of honey out of his hoodie and popped it open. "eh, just outside of ebbot. should i be expecting visits?" She shrugged. "Maybe. Your brother is a breath of fresh air compared to what I'm used to." Papyrus laughed quietly. "yeah, he's just the coolest." She could tell the brothers had a fierce bond. Something unbreakable and she was happy for that. "hey shira? can i try your shtick on you?" The question was a bit random, but she nodded. "Sure, I don't see why not."


Papyrus turned himself to the human. He took in her features, her bright copper hair curling around her shoulders and back, her shining amber eyes watching him expectantly. She was average height for a human female, and of perfect weight as well. Not scarily thin like the stereotypical 'hot girl'. Not that he had anything against that, he had a basic idea of how a humans metabolism worked. Her skin was fairly tanned, with an almost unnoticeable dusting of freckles. He decided to stop stalling and start talking. "You were raised in a loving home and family, but have always had an independent streak. you've always been different, having a hard time being accepted by other kids, so whenever you did make a friend, your fiercely protective and loyal, you don't wanna lose them. you are not a morning person, you enjoy your job, even if the haters get on your nerves, and you wouldn't give your soul for the world. let me tell you now, that's an unbelievably good thing, shira." Papyrus concluded. Nashira blinked. He was a lot more observant than she initially thought. He'd been watching her actions and reactions in the times he'd seen her and made guesses based on that. She was impressed.


"FOODS READY!!!" Sans yelled before she could compliment Papyrus on his own skills. The lanky Boi disappeared at Sans call. "H-hey wait!" She got up and went after him in a hurry, only for him to suddenly reappear in the doorway, causing her to fall back upon collision. He managed to catch her around the waist. "ya ok there?" He sounded amused but he looked worried. Nashira looked up at his expression. Had he always been this adorable? "I-I'm fine, just startled is all. You appeared out of freaking nowhere." She started to blush at the position they were in, it almost looked like he was dipping her. He seemed to notice and pulled her up. "s-sorry.." She waved it off. "Nah it's fine, thanks for the save. For a second it looked like Sans was smirking at them, but it disappeared before she could confirm. "STOP BOONDOGGLING SO WE CAN EAT!" Sans chided to which they both took their seats. "bone apatite."
"PAPYRUS!" He huffed as Papyrus bit into his taco, Nashira following suit. "Mm. This is great!" She praised. Sans was a good cook. She weren't looking forward to them leaving. Not after she'd just made friends with them.

One In A Million Stars (Blind Swap Papyrus X OC)Where stories live. Discover now