Emergency Exit

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Time ticked away and Nashira's phone had all but exploded from texts and calls from her other jobs. She didn't stir though. Honey tried to wake her sleeping master, but that also failed. Honey had to potty and she was hungry. The problem came when smoke started to filter through the crack in the apartment door, leading to the hallway out. Honey grew frantic, scrambling around and barking, trying to nose Nashira awake. But she refused. Nashira was just THAT exhausted. Honey couldn't just stay here, she needed to get help, she needed out! She was very vocal in trying to get help here as well. Maybe if they could hear her, they would come. As the ceiling started to become blocked by smoke, Honey just decided to break through the window. Thank stars it was the window where the fire escape was.. glass shards cut her paws, but she didn't care as she ran for help, barking desperately. She decended the stairs and out into the alleyway. From there she went into the streets where swathes of humans yelped and avoided her. She didn't understand. She only wanted help. A familiar scent caught her nose. Now that was someone who could help!


Barking sounded from behind Sans and Papyrus, making the boys turn in confusion. "honey?" Papyrus recognized her tone of bark immediately. Sans recognized her facial markings which were distinct only to her. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT GIRL? ARE YOU BLEEDING?!" Sans panicked a little, and tried to approach her to get a better look, but she avoided him. "where's shira?!" Papyrus was equally panicked and followed after the dog. It wasn't long before both skeletons were full on running after Honey. They whipped into an alleyway and up a fire exit, Papyrus close behind, and Sans right behind him. Papyrus smelled smoke. "oh stars, no.." He picked up the pace. "DON'T WORRY NASHIRA! WE'RE COMING!!" Glass crunched beneath Papyrus shoes, heat smacked him in the face. "nashira?!" Papyrus stepped through the window, 'seeing' Nashira unconscious on the bed. "don't you dare be dead!" He hissed as he checked her for a heartbeat and breathing. After, with Sans help, they got her and Honey the hell outta there and called the fire department and an ambulance. "WHO EVEN STARTED THE BUILDING ON FREAKING FIRE!?" Sans ranted. "i don't know bro. honey's still bleeding, yeah? can you take her to the vet?" Sans gasped. "OH MY STARS YOU'RE RIGHT!"


Nashira stirred a little. She'd dreamt of being caught in a fire, but she was paralyzed and couldn't move as the flames consumed her. For a good while she actually thought that she could smell the smoke and was suffocating from it, but that had been replaced with a warm and comforting honey smell mixed with woodland and cigarettes. She thought it was all just a dream before she woke up in the hospital.. "Mm..? Where..?" She heard someone talking, and listened to see what was going on. "She was in stage two sleep deprivation, borderlining stage three. When she finally did hit the hay, her body put her into a 'deep sleep' mode in order to catch up on what she'd missed. She'll likely be in and out of it for the next couple of weeks while she catches up." The person said. "... ok doc. thanks for the info.. i'll try and figure out why for ya, k? for now, she needs all the rest she can get, i guess." That was Papyrus..? "Good, thank you, have a good day." Papyrus came into your line of sight. "Pap-"
"get some sleep, shira... we'll talk later."


She did fall back asleep. When she did wake up again, it wasn't just Papyrus there. "how's the pooch?"
"HONEY WILL MAKE A FULL RECOVERY! HOW IS NASHIRA?" Sans asked worriedly. "she'll be ok now. just really tired." She blinked tiredly. "What's goin on..?" The boys turned to her, evidently worried. "nothing to bad, ya just passed out for a while. we can talk about it when you're more coherent." She blinked. "Coher-what?"
"SHE MUST STILL BE REALLY OUT OF IT." Oh she was. "Outta what?" Papyrus ruffled her hair a bit. "you're not quite here yet, why don't ya sleep just a bit longer?" He suggested. She didn't disagree.

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