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Valentine's Day was coming up quick and Nashira had plans. Thank stars Papyrus wasn't mad at her, he'd just needed some time to breath after talking about the accident. She was sure it was probably hard on him. That's besides the point. What was the point was that Nashira had plans to confess her feelings to said skeleton in hopes that he liked her back. Either way, she would respect his decision and if he said no, they could still be friends and roommates. She'd let Sans in on her plans too, since he'd been trying to get them together from the beginning. "IT'S TO BAD I HAVE WORK, I WOULD HAVE SO BEEN THERE FOR THE-" Nashira covered Sans mouth, shushing him. "I'll video it if I remember." She reassured. He chuckled. "GOOD LUCK, I KNOW YOU'LL DO MAGNIFICENT!" Sans waved as he left for work. "what's he wishing ya luck for?" She jumped at Papyrus voice. Crap, had he seen what was in the kitchen? She had made Papyrus favorite type of brownies, double chocolate chunk, drizzled in honey and a box of assorted chocolates. There was also a orange box with blue ribbon and a card. Though he couldn't read it.. "Getting a valentine, it'll be awhile though, wanna go to Muffet's?"
"oh... uh, i guess." He sounded oddly disappointed.


Muffet wasn't there, it was just her spiders. Nashira ordered herself some hot chocolate and Papyrus got himself some honey. "so.. who's the lucky guy?" Papyrus asked as they sat at the bar. "Lucky-" She was confused until it clicked. Her valentine. Right. "Oh. Hmm." She grinned deviously. "Well he's tall, and handsome, resilient and protective. He's a bit of a slacker, but is an absolute sweetheart." It was hilarious, watching Papyrus get jealous about himself. Still, he smiled and said "i hope ya guys have fun." She smiled. "I think we will." She already was. Papyrus huffed. "i gotta step out." She got up with him. "I'll join you." His 'gaze' shifted to you. "when's this date or whatever? shouldn't you be dolling up for him?" Oof he was really jealous. She was tempted to say it was happening right now. "Later." Upon reaching outside, Papyrus lit a cigarette. Something she knew he smoked as a stress reliver. She internally winced. That was definitely enough teasing. "Wanna go home after this? Maybe watch a movie? Have a snack?" Papyrus nodded slowly. "if ya have time."


Nashira nearly dragged Papyrus to the kitchen. Until she saw a mess and a dog. The pan the brownies were in was on the floor licked clean, the box of chocolates shredded and scattered across the kitchen. "Honey... what did you do.." She whispered, shocked. How could she have forgotten to put the brownies and chocolate up?! Honey had slunk off, knowing she was in trouble. Papyrus probably would have been satisfied if not for the devastated look on Nashira's face. "oh shira... we can replace them.. it's no biggie.." She wasn't mad or anything. She was disappointed. She wanted to make this the best Valentine that Papyrus deserved and she forgot to put the food up. "It was supposed to be perfect.. I made your favorite brownies and everything.." Papyrus looked at her. "my what?" She stared at the mess. "You were supposed to be my Valentine's date. I had chocolates and a card and a gift and everything!" He turned tangerine. "well.. not all is lost yet."


Papyrus walked to the untouched gift and card. The present was a glass panda, Papyrus favorite animal. He touched it, and groaned. "What's wrong?" Nashira asked nervously. "my one weakness. i can't 'see' glass." Nooooooooo! She internally screamed. He just hugged her close. "thank you though. i like it." He grabbed the card. "read this to me." She nodded and they found themselves in the living room on the couch. She blushed as she realized she was settled in his lap. She opened the card, trying not to stutter through the words. "There is only one happiness in life, to love and to be loved. You're as sweet as honey and I want you to be my Valentine. Love you with all my soul, Nashira." Papyrus hugged her closer. "hmmmm. nah." She flinched. "W-wha-"
"'m kidding. that was for teasing me earlier. i love you too, shira. of course i'll be your valentine and your boyfriend too, while we're at it." She turned fifty shades of red. "O-ok!" She squeaked.

One In A Million Stars (Blind Swap Papyrus X OC)Where stories live. Discover now