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Nashira and Papyrus were setting up a room for the baby when he went to take a quick smoke break. Everyone had gotten excited when they delivered the news of the new addition. Blue was especially happy to have nieces and nephews. The news had Chara pretty excited too, finally someone they could play with. That excitement may have gone to their head though... as it was what lead their next actions. "Hey Papyrus! Let's play tag!" Papyrus shook his head. "can't kiddo, i gotta help shira after this smoke- hey! give it back." They shook their head. "Nu-uh. You gotta catch me first." They took off around the back. Papyrus gave chase. "kid, give 'em back! i don't have time for this-" And Papyrus slammed into something, making him stagger back. Oh great. It was his old enemy, the glass back door that he avoided. Chara started laughing, at his struggles, not realizing that he was actually struggling to get the door open. The longer it went on though, the more the others started to notice. "PAPYRUS?" Sans started hesitantly. "ARE YOU OK..? THE HANDLE IS RIGHT THERE, YOU KNOW." Papyrus stared at the door, then at Sans with a guilty expression. Then he blipped away.


"Papyrus?" Nashira immediately looked at him with concern as he appeared and started pacing. "he knows, they know, i ran into the door and i couldn't see the handle." She blinked. "Wait, slow down. What happened?" She caught him in a hug. "the kid took my cigs and i went after them, they musta went into the house through the glass door and closed it on me and i collided with the door. i couldn't get the door open, of course, and everyone was there and-" She silenced him with a kiss. "Hush Papy, it isn't the end of the world if they did find out. Besides, the longer you DO keep it a secret, the more guilty you will feel about it. I've kept it because it isn't my secret to tell." Nashira reasoned. "... i hate when you're right.." He kissed her back, calmer now. "I'll be with you, when you're ready." He sighed heavily, head falling into her shoulder. "no time like the present, i guess.." He murmured with reluctance. She patted his head. "We will tell them. Together." He grinned a little. "together." He agreed.


They went downstairs where the group had gathered. "It was quite strange, the expression he wore before he disappeared." Toriel was saying. "Could he really NOT see the handle?" Alphys asked. "S-Sans, do y-you know a-anything a-about this?" Undyne asked the strangely quiet older brother. "... I SUSPECTED FOR A LONG TIME THAT SOMETHING WAS WRONG WITH PAPYRUS SIGHT... WHEN WE WERE LITTLE, HE'D RUN INTO THINGS A LOT, BUT AFTER AWHILE IT JUST STOPPED. I THOUGHT... I THOUGHT THAT MAYBE WHATEVER IT WAS WAS CURED.." Sans replied slowly. "HE DOESN'T LIKE TO TELL ME WHEN HE IS STRUGGLING WITH SOMETHING AND I WISH HE WOULD, I'M HIS OLDER BROTHER DAMMIT!" Papyrus and Nashira exchanged looks. "ya can't cure a blind man, bro." Papyrus said, loud enough for everyone to hear. All heads turned to him, making him tense but Nashira gave his hand a comforting squeeze. He returned it with a grateful glance. "B-blind man...?" Papyrus closed his sockets, sighing. "yeah. i should've told you a long time ago... especially you sans... i was in an accident when i was a boy and as a result... i went blind."


Everyone was frozen. Papyrus could really use a smoke right now. He was so anxious and scared. "The reason Papyrus gets around as well as he does now is because of his magic, sensory magic. He can see outlines of objects but glass is a no go. That's why he doesn't usually use the back door or any clear glass cups, plates, bowls, etc." Nashira continued since nobody was talking anyway. Papyrus was nodding along while Honey nudged at his leg, having noticed his distress. Soon he was running his phalanges through her fur. "B-BROTHER... I-I’M SO SORRY, I SHOULD HAVE-" Papyrus shook his head. "don't blame yourself. mom and dad were there... when it happened. it's... it's my fault they're gone.." Papyrus croaked to which Sans marched up to him and firmly hugged him. "HEED YOUR OWN ADVICE. DON'T BLAME YOURSELF BECAUSE OUR PARENTS WERE DOING THEIR JOBS." Nashira pulled away and gestured for the others to follow so the brother's could have a moment alone. "So you knew?" Alphys asked as soon as you were out of the living room. "Well yeah. I'm his girlfriend, I'm carrying his baby." She put a hand on her baby bump as if to emphasize her point. "... good point.."

1 chapter left

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