Chapter 18 Bringing Us Closer

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Carl's face showed utter and complete shock as he saw that Judith was gone. His eyes filled with tears and he turned to me, grabbed me and held onto me for a long time. I felt horrible. My stomach turned and I felt the need to throw up.

I bent over and put both hands on my knees and vomited right there. There was no blood or any sign of a walker, it had to have been a person. My heart ached as I listened to Carl's screams. "No no no." he repeated himself many times.

"Carl we gotta go, the gunshot drew them..." he interrupted me before I could finish. "No we have to find Judith, she's the only real family I have left." As much as I wanted to agree I knew that if we stayed here any longer we would face certain death. I tugged on his arm and he began to follow me, hesitant at first but he did.

We walked until we found another car, but it wouldn't start. We continued to walk until we came upon a small shack that we could stay for the night. This time I cleared the shed, as he was too upset about Judith. It was clear and he came in.

"I'm sorry about Judith" I mumbled quietly. He didn't say anything back.

I kicked a rock across the floor in an angry manner and Carl looked up at me. "Why are you even upset? You didn't lose a family member." His words hurt and I felt them deeply but anger overcame my sadness and I felt a sudden fire burning in me.

"I haven't lost anyone? Really?" tears filled my eyes as the thought of my family becomes on constant replay in my mind.

Carl noticed that he hurt me and he flung his arms around me. "Y/n that's not what I meant, I didn't mean that. I'm sorry." I let my tears out into his shoulders and choked on my words but eventually managed to get something out. "It's okay."

(Sorry this sucks and it's short, but my boyfriend and I just broke up and I haven't been feeling too well. Once I'm feeling better, I'll be back and writing better again!)

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