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** smutt warning**

Eren woke up to someone shaking his arm. This was unusual. He yelped grabbing the blankets he rolled over. That’s when the pain hit. His ass, his hips, his back all screamed out at once. He cried out there was a soft chuckle.

“Yeah, that happens after the first few times. You’ll get used to it don’t worry.”  Eren looked up to see the hot Levi looking down at him. “Your phone died because you forgot to plug it in. It’s charging now. Go shower, I’ll make breakfast.” Levi ordered. He turned at the door. “And be…” was as far as he got. Eren was already trying to stand up. his legs gave out.

“Careful.” Levi smirked. “Wear whatever you want today, but you best be neat, clean and cute for me.” He ordered as he walked out the door. Eren smirked. There was an outfit he had been dying to wear. He just knew he would get bear up for it. Today, well…

With a grimace he managed to get  his legs to work. He went to shower, brush his teeth and get ready for his day.  He pulled the outfit from the back of his closet door. He had it hanging there for a long time. Slipping his legs into the black leather skort, that was just barely regulation length, he zipped it on. The pink fuzzy sweater felt soft and warm as he pulled it over his skin.  He giggled at the feeling of running his hands through it. Last he pulled on a pair of boots that had a three inch heel. He looked in the mirror and decided…

Reaching out he picked up two braided hair extensions. One was pink the other blue, he clipped them into his hair. The blue brought out that color in his deep sea colored eyes. Eren laughed out loud. He looked , and felt, super cute. He found his favorite pair of gloves, these were a soft grey material. They felt so smooth as he pulled them on. Today, maybe he could try the make up. He looked longingly at his stash, but decided he better not push it too much.

He walked downstairs. To his shock, Levi had made him a full breakfast. He had scrambled eggs, sausage, toast with grape jelly and hash browns. A cup of black coffee and juice sat at the corner of the plate. Cream and sugar were placed beside the coffee. Eren was shocked.

“Do I have time to eat this all?” he asked. Levi turned. His thin lipped mouth  open at seeing the outfit the other was wearing.

“Damn you’re fucking hot!” Levi cried. He shook his head. “Yeah, sit eat, sorry about not fixing your coffee wasn’t sure how you like it.”

“Two spoonful’s of  creamer and one of sugar.” Eren stated as he fixed his cup. He sat down to eat. He wrapped the toast up in his napkin setting it aside. He ate everything being careful not to get any crumbs on his outfit. As Levi took his plate away he asked if something was wrong with the toast.

“No, but Armin never gets breakfast so I always bring him something.” Eren dashed into the bathroom to brush his teeth. When he came out the kitchen was clean. Levi had both their bags over one shoulder. He held the toast.

“Tomorrow I will make him a burrito or two. I wish you had told me that. Toast isn’t a good way to start the day.” He frowned.

“Says the guy who only drank tea.” Eren scoffed reaching for his bag. Levi twisted holding out the toast.

“The bag will crush the fuzziness on your sweater, I got it. Carry this and my day starts at three in the morning.” He held the door for Eren. Eren walked out waited for Levi to close the door then locked it. Levi took his hand as they walked down the steps. Eren was just a bit taller in the heels.

“Is it weird that every time I move I still feel your dick in me?” he asked. Levi snorted.

“Not at all. Like I said, you’ll get used to it.  Now at school, you will tell everyone we are dating. It’s classier than just being fuck buddies.” Levi informed him. Since Eren had never had anything like that in his life he agreed.

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