The Prince of Mystery

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The door busted inward. The large blond man dove sideways to allow the smaller person to enter. The auburn haired face had never been more serious. They dropped beside Eren as Levi came up to him. Hange pressed their fingers to the side of his neck as their hand lifted his wrist. Then, they fucking laughed.

"What the hell is funny?" Levi screamed.

"He's fine!" They snorted. "Looks like he passed out when he saw the blood." They added. Holding up Eren's wrist where a small cut could be seen bleeding. Hange stuck some gauze to it holding it there. When it didn't stop they put a band aid over the gauze.

"But what about...?" Levi moved his feet. He was standing on plastic. What he had taken for blood under the chair was in fact paint.

"Oh thank god." He dropped to his knees to lay his head against Eren's. He sat like that for a minute of two.

"He is not staying here. Erwin call in the clean up squad. I want everything in his room removed and brought to mine."

"But, Kenny said..." Hange muttered.

"I have a note that declares it! In his handwriting." Levi stuck his chin out determined. Hange and Erwin fought to hide their smirks. "Lets get moving. I'll get him dressed." The short grouchy teen muttered.

"Yes, prince...ess" Hange muttered heading back out the door. Levi went back to Eren's room. He threw on his clothes and pulled some out for the teen to wear. Levi smirked.

The hoodie had cat ears. It had a picture of a cat knocking a cup over saying I do what I want. Of course it was pink. Levi took everything downstairs. Not before he carefully folded the suicide note up and stuck it in his pocket. Eren stirred a little but didn't wake. Levi pushed the shirt over his head tucking his arms in. It was difficult dressing someone completely unresponsive.

The cleaning crew showed up. "Scour the house, I want no sign that he ever lived here left behind." Levi ordered. He went to lift the small body into his arms when a squeak was heard behind him. He turned. Armin stood in the doorway.

"He's fine, honest." Levi told him. "What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" He demanded. Armin held up an envelope. Inside was a decent about of money. Levi guessed a few hundred bucks.

"I found this in my bag when I was unpacking it. The note said he hoped I could use the money for something fun. And to not forget him." Armin's face was wet as he finished. Levi felt an ache in his chest. He felt bad for the teen.

"Don't worry. I will keep him safe, and you. We will be in school. Wait you should come with me. Text your parents that a friend needs your help and that you're safe they are dealing with a break up or something." He waved his hand. Armin chuckled.

"I live with my grandfather. He is doing his sleep study tonight, so I'm good." Armin said. Levi nodded he went to pick Eren up again. The tall blond Erwin strolled in and scooped the teen up.

"Hey, little man. How are you?" He grinned down at Armin. "You are cute!" Erwin gushed.

"Move it along eyebrows. Stop flirting, you suck at it!" Levi cried. Erwin chuckled. Sighing Levi snatched Armin's hand. "Put that away." He commanded. Once he got the small blond into the car he turned to his second in command. "Erwin, I want a group of say four or five newbies in school. I don't want anything to make him try this again. Also, put a detail on the house. Let's see what daddy dearest is gonna do." Erwin smirked.

"Sure thing. Marco, Sasha, Hange, myself that good?" He asked climbing behind the wheel.

"Yeah, have Nanaba watch the house. She won't take his crap." Levi muttered. Eren's head was lying in his lap now. He stroked the soft brown hair. "Stupid brat." He muttered.

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