My chosen brat

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Jean sat across from them. He looked miserable sitting with Bertolt and Reiner. The two sandwiched the tall teen between them. Eren frowned. Connie refused to look at the table. Hange was blabbering on about some experiment while Armin was eating fries hand fed to him by the bulky blond Erwin.

"Something bothering you?" Levi leaned over to ask Eren.

"Connie and Jean are friends." Eren muttered. Connie glanced up. His brown eyes darted to the other table, then back to his tray. Jean had perked up a little when Connie looked over.

"You want us to collect Jean too?" Levi purred. Eren smiled.

"Would you?" He asked looking innocently over at the teen. Levi sighed. He leaned over kissing Eren's upturned nose.

"Anything for my princess." He cooed. This got Hange to shut up.

"Uh, what?" She cried. "Oh my god are you serious!" She squealed.

"Shut the fuck up!" Levi hollered at her throwing a fry in her face. It bounced off her glasses making her blink.

"But you called him..."

"I SAID SHUT UP!" Levi thundered. Hange sat back pouting. She reached out to stroke Eren's hand on the table.

"Princess." She cooed softly.

"Wait, you're not..." Erwin locked eyes with Levi.

"Drop it eyebrows." Levi warned. Erwin held up his hands.

"Whatever you say." He muttered. Hange had looped her fingers to Eren's. She could only reach the very tips.

"Shitty glasses, let him go." Levi hissed.

"You're so mean!" Hange cried. She jumped up with her tray and stormed away. She was so upset she dumped everything into he trash and walked out.

"You can't say things like that around her. You know how she takes family." Moblit muttered. He went to pick out the tray, dishes and silverware. He put them on the belt as he walked off to find Hange.

"Why does it matter what you call me?" Eren asked. He blushed a little. "I like being called princess." He muttered.

"Because, I am the crown prince of the Ackerman clan. That means one day I will be in charge of it. Whomever I decide to dedicate my life to, well they will rule beside me, as my princess or queen." He stated.

"Wow, you didn't lie to him." Erwin smirked. Levi snarled.

"But it depends on what Kenny comes up with. I can't be your princess util he agrees." Eren stated.

"You..." Levi poked his nose. "... don't need to worry about that. Now, Marco!" Levi called the name a bit louder. The man looked up. "Reel him in." He was stated as Levi stood up pulling Eren with him. They headed off to class. Marco smiled, he winked at Connie.

"Just imagine what that little devil can come up with to initiate Jean into the fold." The bell rang. "Crap!" Marco sprang up. He dashed out to find Bertolt and Reiner practically hip to hip with Jean. He smirked. Falling into step behind the overlarge blond man he walked so closely to him he kept stepping on the others shoes.

"What the fuck is you're problem!" the blond spun to glare at a shocked Marco.

"Me?" He pointed a finger to his chest. "I don't have a problem." He smirked.

"Get the fuck away from me!" Reiner hollered.

"Bert, what are you doing just standing there? Why not back him up?" Connie called. Bertolt had moved to take Jean's arm when Reiner exploded.

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