Party Poison

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Saturday was a rainy wet miserable day. Levi was in a bad mood as he trudged behind Eren and Armin into the store. The few days that passed, Erwin had been talking and getting to know Armin more. Now the blond tall ass bitch was holding the umbrella for the small boys. He was laughing as Armin blushed. Eren giggled.

The teen had grown a few inches, Levi noticed. He was now the same height as him. Levi wasn't sure how he felt about that. What if he ended up taller. His scowl deepened. The one good thing about walking behind them, was Eren's ass looked amazing in those leggings. He had on soft green leggings tucked into calf high black boots. A light weight white sweater hung over his torso. One side kept slipping down off of his shoulder.

The doors to the store slid open. Levi moved up beside Eren. Wrapping an arm around his waist he kissed the bare shoulder. Eren flushed red as Levi pulled the sweater back in place.

"You're wet." Eren shivered a little.

"Because the fucking ass with the umbrella decided not to make sure we were all under it!" Levi glared down the hall where Erwin was still smiling and talking to Armin. Eren pulled the sleeve down to cover his hand, once more pulling it off of his shoulder. He swiped the rain off of Levi's face, kissing his nose.

"Sorry, but wouldn't it be great if they started dating?" He beamed at the other boy. Levi hurumphed. Eren giggled. Levi smirked at the sound. He pulled the sleeve back up over his shoulder.

"Lets role play tonight." He winked at Eren. "Armin can fit into your costumes" Eren smirked he enthusiastically threw his arms around Levi kissing his face.

"Yes, I love you!" He laughed. Levi smirked. Eren grabbed Armin to go find their favorite snack.

"I can see what your favorite snack is." Erwin winked at Levi.

"Right back at you ass." Levi growled. Erwin laughed. They followed the two friends around as they got snacks for their party tonight. Returning to the house saw that Connie was nervously sitting next to Sasha as they watched Marco and Kenny playing Call of Duty. Connie looked up when he saw Eren. His face went white. Eren grinned.

"Party time!" He cried.

Levi told Erwin to get them set up in a different room. He snagged his uncles arm. "Grisha?" He eyed the taller Ackerman. Kenny smirked putting out his cigarette.

"Learned his lesson. I sent him to the council." He informed the younger male.

"How long did you leave him on that machine?" Levi wrinkled his nose. Kenny dropped his arm over his nephews shoulder.

"It's best you don't know the gory details." He winked.

"And Eren?" Levi looked up nervously.

"That's up to you. Its been a month. Do you want to make it permanent?" Kenny asked. Levi could hear Eren's giggles. They were nearing the playroom.

"I, I think..." Eren came out into the hall. He had on pink panties, a pink crop top and pink bunny ears. He was laughing as he pulled on the hand of the person still in the room. Levi swallowed. He was hard just looking at the kid.

"I think you found our crown princess. You may want to think about that, love." Kenny purred in his ear. The acrid smell of sulfur filled the hall as he lit another cigarette with a match.

"Play, nice now boys, I'm heading out for the evening. I do not want a single virgin under my roof when I get back!" He helped Eren drag Armin out of the room as he walked by, winking at the large blond Erwin who held the back door for him. "Don't break the kid, it's his first time." Kenny's laughter echoed as Erwin closed the door.

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