Cutting ties

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"Sasha, how are things going?" Levi asked the slim dark haired girl. She popped a chip in her mouth. Chewing it slowly she swallowed.

"Boss, he is like putty in my hands. Say the word and I will cut the leash." She giggled.

"You think you can drag him away?" Levi asked. From the corner of his eye he saw Eren walking towards him. The teen had his thumbs hooked into the straps of his backpack. He was talking with Armin. They were heading toward the doors of the school. For Levi it had been an interesting day.

"Yep, no problem. These hips have captured his attention." Sasha chomped on her snack.

"Alright, break him free. Bring him over to our side." Levi demanded. Sasha saluted him.

"Operation dark side removal complete!" She snorted. Levi sighed, sometimes he wondered about his subordinates.

As the crown prince of the Ackerman clan, he had certain leeway. He also had to hold up to the council. He wondered how Kenny was doing with Grisha. He had cornered his uncle the morning after his show.

"You were watching, why?" He demanded as he closed his bedroom door. Eren was still asleep. Having the boy in his room had made Levi feel elated. He actually slept. Kenny laughed.

"You pervy little shit! I thought you figured it out." He slapped the teens shoulder. They were in the bedroom hall.

"Come on, follow me." He gestured for the teen. Levi eyed him a second letting Kenny get a few steps away. He finally he shrugged figuring Eren was safe. If the boy woke up he would find his way to the kitchen at least, right? Levi followed his uncle.

It wasn't far to the rooms the older Ackerman had set up. Levi had cleaned the equipment he had used on Eren the night before. Now, Kenny opened the other door. This was the observation room. Sometimes they had clients who liked to watch what went on in the playroom. Levi stepped inside. What he saw had him questioning his uncles sanity.

There, on all fours tied up to twin saw horses was the head of the Yeager clan. The red ropes rubbed onto the tanned skin of the man. Levi saw where the man had rubbed his arms and legs raw trying to free himself. As the teen watched the man bucked. Screaming into the ball gag, a large spray of milky whiteness squirted out from under him. Levi jumped back to avoid the drying cum puddle.

Kenny's fuck machine was ramming the guys ass hard. Like harder than anything Levi would have done. It never stopped. It just kept ramming in and out of the wide hole it had stretched into the others ass. Levi had to cover his mouth and nose. Not only was there cum on the floor but shit and piss as well.

"What are you doing to him?" Levi moaned through the stench.

"He wanted Eren to kill himself, don't forget that." Kenny pointed out.

"So, you're destroying his ass to prove a point about being gay?" Levi wondered.

"Hardly." Kenny snorted. "I want him to see the error of his ways." He chuckled.

"You want him to be gay, seriously?" Levi rolled his eyes. "I need to get out of here before I vomit." He shoved past his uncle. Kenny had come out into the hall.

"How long has the machine been fucking him?" He asked. Kenny leaned back against the wall, he lit a cigarette, offered his nephew one, who declined, before blowing smoke up at the celling.

"Oh, about twenty-six hours now." Kenny chortle.

"What is your plan?" Levi asked. Kenny smoked the cancer stick for a few minutes.

"I don't know." He eventually admitted. "I just wanted him to suffer for the trauma he caused Eren. Is that bad?" he asked his nephew.

"No, but you do know Eren will never be the leader of the Yeager clan." Levi moved off down the hall.

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