The dom and the fem

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**heavy explicit smut**

"I don't hate him..." Eren whispered as Levi drew back. He sighed. "I just wish he didn't hate me." Eren muttered. Levi looped the belt around Eren's neck. He pulled Eren up against him.

"Lets not worry about it tonight. My uncle was right, I'm horny." He admitted. Eren rolled his eyes.

"When aren't you?" He asked.

"Fucking brat!" Levi snarled. He bit Eren's neck hard enough to make the teen cry out.

"Ouch, I thought I was the one to do the biting." Eren tried to glare at Levi. The look in the others eyes was too hot to bare. He flushed crimson.

"We are in my house now, lover." Levi purred. With the belt still around Eren's neck, Levi pulled him along behind him. What Eren took as a closet, turned out to be another room. Levi pulled him into...

"A sex dungeon, really?" Eren hissed.

"You will be surprised how many people give up their secrets when they are horny. Or when they are being teased with some toys. I could rule the world from this little room." Levi ran his hand over some leather toys.

"Are you a dominatrix?" Eren wondered. Levi arched one eyebrow. Eren gasped. "Oh my god! That's why you can't cum!" He gushed. Levi slapped his ass with another leather toy. He had taken it down. Just a flick of his wrist and it hit his mark.

"I guess you could call me a Dom. Eren..." He used the handle of the leather whip to lift the boys head up. "I do not like submissives. They creep me the hell out. With their vacant eyes and loyalty. Ugh!" Levi shivered. He looked into the deep recesses of the green eyes watching him.

"I like to play with you, yes. I like hearing you moan. I like it when I can bring you to the brink and cut it off until I'm ready to satisfy you." He purred as he moved around Eren. He licked his neck nibbled his ear. Now he lifted the shirt up over his head.

"I like that you have a will of your own. That you tell me what you like or don't like. I like you because you try things. Don't get me wrong, there is a difference between a bottom and a sub, got it." He whispered.

All the time he was talking he had been rubbing his hands over Eren's chest. Toying with his nipples. Levi had bitten and sucked his neck a little.

"I, I yeah, I think I get it." Eren groaned out. Levi backed away.

"Do you want a safe word? A word you say that will make me stop anything I'm doing. If we role play I may not know you really mean no." Levi pointed out. Eren thought about it.

"I don't think we need one. So far I've liked most of what you do. Somethings were a bit weird but not that I hated them." He shrugged. Levi eyed him. What was it about this kid that got him so stirred up. He had literally fucked him for hours not that long ago. Yet here he was wanting him again.

"Sky puppies." Levi decided.

"What?" Eren giggled..

"Eren I don't want to hurt you or make you feel anything less than happy. I like teasing you sexually. But I don't want to go too far and have you resent me. So, if you aren't liking what I'm doing and you want to stop, take break, change the flow, whatever. Just say sky puppies. That will trigger me to stop. It doesn't mean we stop the sex, but we stop and discuss what it is you didn't like or how you're feeling, ok?" Levi pointed out. Eren giggled.

"Yeah, ok. You think you're batman I get it." His green eyes twinkled as he looked at his lover.

"Fucking..." Levi began.

"Brat." Eren finished with him. Levi laughed.

"Alright, what should we start with? You want me to tie you up?" He pointed to several different things that would do that. Eren didn't like some of them.

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