Finding Levi

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By lunch, Eren was depressed. His will to even fight back had failed. Gone was his smile, his strong stance that he always held. He would often yell back. Now he just felt broken, abandoned and alone. He was going to head to the lunchroom, knowing he probably wouldn't make it. When a hand grabbed his arm, he didn't even look up. He resigned himself to his fate.

He was pulled through a door. He heard it click shut. There went his freedom. Eren was only mildly surprised when, after being dragged through the room, a light clicked on.

"Eren?" Armin called his name. Eren sighed. Great he was going to have to listen as they raped his best friend too. He was a failure. His body shook as someone gripped his shoulders, rocking him back and fourth.

"Eren, I've been thinking." Eren glanced up. Armin sounded calm. The green eyes darted around the space. They were alone.

"What, what's going on?" Eren muttered. Armin was sitting on the floor. He had snacks spread out before him.

"Sit, eat. I have a friend who works in the kitchen." Armin smiled up at him. Eren sank to the ground. Reluctantly he picked up a fork.

"Now, as I was saying, I've been thinking..." Armin began again. "Levi told you he would see you today, right?" Eren nodded he swallowed the lump of food.

"Yes but as we know that was a lie."

"I don't think it was. You went into depressed mode after the nurses office. I'm sorry I know I had a hand in that. But Bertolt and Reiner they seem overly aggressive today. They laughed at the fact, Levi wasn't going to be here, like they knew something was up..." Armin said.

"You think they did something to Levi?" Eren asked. Armin nodded. Eren mumbled "I don't think so. If you saw how he handled them that first day, when they were going to rape me..."

"See, that's what I thought, at first." Armin stated. He smiled as it looked like Eren was eating. "What if they had help?"

"What kind?" Eren asked. His green eyes widened. "You don't think... Zeke?" He whispered his cousins name.

"That's exactly what I think!" Armin cried.

"So, you think they have him locked up somewhere?" Eren asked. Armin nodded.

"If I'm right, well I don't want to be them when he gets free." Armin shivered.

Eren frowned. "You don't think they would hurt him, do you?" He asked.

"I don't know." Armin answered. They ate their lunch discussing reasons why Levi wasn't there. Or where Bertolt and Reiner could have him locked up.

"We should skip last period." Eren said suddenly.

"Why?" Armin asked as they cleaned up their mess from lunch. Eren laughed.

"For someone so smart you can be dumb. They are going to rape us after school." Eren said. "We have gym last!" He added. Armin's mouth went into an o formation.

"Where cane we go?" He muttered. The school was in the middle of nowhere.

"We walk?" Eren offered.

"Gym class is outside. They would see us." Armin stated.

"What if we left now?" Eren said. They had two more periods before gym. Armin nodded.

"I don't think they would see that coming." He offered.

"How do we get out?" Eren asked. Armin tapped his chin.

"I know, follow me." They dumped their garbage into a big waste basket. Waiting by the door, Armin pulled Eren out into the flow of students as the bell rang. Instead of heading to their next class, Armin lead the way through the throng of bodies. Eren took his hand as he held his hat in place.

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