A happy day

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⚠️ suicidal actions and attempt ⚠️

"You're friends of Levi's?" Eren smiled happily. Just before his phone rang.

"Um, Yeah." Erwin answered.

"We work for him." Hange smirked. Eren suddenly went very quiet.

"Eren?" Armin asked.

"I'll be right back." Eren flashed a smile. He snagged the phone and dove into the downstairs bathroom locking the door he answered the call.

"Hey, uh, dad. How's your trip?" He asked as cheerfully as he could.

"Eren, Zeke tells me you are not behaving." His father's voice came out of the other end of the phone.

"Wh, what do you mean?" Eren stammered. He was pacing the small room.

"You were found naked, in bed with a boy." His father stated.

"Zeke's lying." Eren growled.

"He sent me a picture." The voice snarled. Eren shivered.

"It, it's not what it looks like. There was rain and..." Eren desperately tried to recall the lie Levi had told Zeke.

"We had a deal, Eren, didn't we?" His father asked. Eren felt his stomach drop.

"Yes sir." He whispered.

"I will be home in twenty four hours. I expect you to do the right thing. Your mother will understand. Make sure you leave a believable note." The line went dead. Eren dropped to sit on the closed toilet seat. Sure. Whatever. This was his life. There was a knock on the door.

Eren stood up. He wiped his face clear of the tears. "I'll be right out." He called. He splashed his face with water. When he made sure it didn't look like he had been crying, he walked out. He had twenty four hours. Better make the most of it.

"Hey, we should go to the mall and get Armin that sweater." Eren grinned. "I, I think I have enough money for the movies for us. Well, for Armin and I." He rushed to the kitchen where he hid his money. He pulled it out. He was surprised to find he had over five hundred dollars saved up. He smiled. He would give the rest to Armin.

"Eren, what's wrong?" Levi asked. The boy turned, a huge smile on his face.

"Nothing. But Armin and I are skipping school, we should have some fun with it, right?" He giggled. Levi narrowed his eyes. He was sure something was up, but he let it go.

"Yeah, sure." He agreed. They went in his car to the mall. Erwin was driving. Eren kept up a stream of constant chatter. This was making Levi even more suspicious. Without Eren knowing it, Levi nicked his phone. He checked the last call received. To his shock, the call log was erased.

Levi quickly looked through messages, those were also erased. Why was that? There wasn't even a conversation with Armin on it? Hange. He decided. He stepped up beside the auburn haired person who was enthusiastically dancing around with a silly hat on. Eren and Armin were laughing. They caught the look on Levi's face. Eren turned.

"Oh, did I drop my phone?" He giggled holding his hand out for it. "Good thing you saw that." He chuckled. Levi had no choice but to give it to him. They bought Armin the sweater then went to the movies. Levi refused to let Eren pay for anything, no matter how hard the kid insisted.

They went in to watch an action adventure film. Armin was totally engrossed in it. Eren was laughing and smiling at his friend, but he seemed just a little off. Levi kept an eye on him. He remained over bright and cheerful throughout the movie and dinner afterwards.

Eren insisted they take Armin home. He walked the blond up to his front door. He hugged him tightly. "Today was a lot of fun. Thank you. You're the best friend ever" He grinned.

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