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** There is talk of suicide, homophobic statements. I do not belive in these they are used to explain a character. Ease if this triggers or offends you don't read. Love to all!**

"He arrived home twenty minutes ago." That was how Kenny greeted his nephew as the short male walked into the dinning room. The boy behind him wore a long sweater like dress. It was a soft emerald green color that highlighted the color of the boys eyes. Underneath he had on leggings, a black bag hung from his shoulder. A pink scarf wrapped around his neck as he tried to stay ducked behind Levi. Kenny could see the boy would one day be taller than his guardian.

"Did he now?" Levi said as he pulled out a chair for Eren. The boy sat turning to look at the blond.

"Erwin is keeping an eye on the place. Said he heard some yelling." Kenny smirked as he extinguished his cigarette.

"Stop with the theatrics. I know you've thought up something." Levi took his seat and began grabbing food from the platters before them. Eren took this to take his own.

"I have." Kenny lit another cigarette.

"Must you do that at the table?" Levi snarled. "It stinks. The smoke goes everywhere. We have school!" he added. Kenny huffed but pulled the lit tip off.

"Better?" When Levi nodded, Kenny went on. "Eren, just what is it that your dad doesn't like about you?" Kenny asked eyeing the boy. Eren gaped at him.

"Please swallow before you do that!" Levi grouched. Eren swallowed.

"Um, sir, um, just look at me!" He gestured to the outfit he wore.

"So, you like to dress as a girl?" Kenny looked perplexed.

"Yeah, but I still identify as a boy. I mean I like the he/ him pronouns. I just like wearing pretty sweaters, or dresses, tight jeans and I love hats and bags." He grinned. Then his face fell. He sighed dropping his hands into his lap.

"When I was young, it was OK for me to have pink toys or hats. Pink is my favorite color." He twirled the end of the scarf around his neck. "When I was about ten or eleven dad burned all my pink stuff. He said I was too old for it now. For year or so, I wore only black, blue or brown, some grey. It felt like the color was washed out of my life. I hated it. I was miserable all of the time. The night before Christmas I tried to take my life for the first time. I swallowed some pills my mom had." Eren tugged on his sleeves.

"When I woke up in the hospital dad told me that was a wimpy way of ending it. Only girls die by taking pills." Eren swiped at a tear. "He, he's a doctor. He told me the best way to kill myself was by hanging or slit my wrists. He even told me how to do it in order to make sure no doctor could save me in time." Levi wrapped his arm around his shaking shoulders.

"Go on." Kenny instructed. "I know this is difficult for you, but you need to talk about it. We aren't judging you, just want to hear about it." He added.

"After that, my parents started leaving me alone. They would go away for a long weekend. Dad would schedule his doctor trips during school. Mom showed me how to get around the town on the bus. Things like that. The more I learned the more time they left me alone." Eren continued.

"It went from a few days to a week to two weeks to a month and so on. Now I'm alone more times than when my parents are around. Mom would leave me money and I began buying the clothes I like to wear. I hid them in my closet so dad wouldn't see. They always told me when they would be home." Eren sighed.

"What I didn't know was the school did keep in touch with them. As I wore the clothes I wanted, I began to get bullied. Mostly Bertolt and Jean, but they picked up others. Now it's the four of them that try to rape me." Eren snorted. "The school called dad and he came home early from a trip. He saw me wearing a pink sweater and jeans with a black bag. Said I was a freak fag boy. He ripped the clothes off of me while I was still outside, yelling the entire time. Our neighbors saw. Once I was naked he whipped me with his belt, herding me inside." Eren hugged himself.

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