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**Extreme sex, heavy smutt warning**

Levi miraculously took out all the clothing they had bought. He took the tags off throwing them into one of the empty bags. He then made Eren wash the clothes. He glared at the bed, seeing it had the same sheets on as the day before. He stripped it. Eren watched as the teen whirled around his room cleaning it.

Now Eren wasn't the best at cleaning, but he wasn't a total slob. Levi worked for two hours cleaning and washing his things. He made Eren remake the bed and fold the clothing. Levi hung up what he could in the small closet everything else he placed neatly into the dresser. Once done, he looked down on the boy watching him.

"Alright, dinner?" he asked arching an eyebrow.

"Mom leaves me money..." Eren leapt up to go see how much he had. Levi caught him. He twirled him round.

"You eat take out? Like all the time?" Levi, eyes wide stared at the smaller teen.

"Well, unless Armin cooks for me. I burn everything. Almost set the house on fire last time I tried to cook for myself." Eren muttered. Levi watched him. He couldn't believe how cute and adorable this kid was!

Pulling out his phone, he made a call. Twenty minutes later the black car was back. Several people in what appeared to be butler and maid outfits rushed in carrying silver trays. Levi kept Eren in the living room until they left. Walking up to the teen sitting on the couch, Levi bowed.

"May I request your presence to dinner with me?" He asked. Eren giggled taking the offered hand. Levi swung him up, spinning him around to wrap his arm around him. He smirked at Eren's shocked face. He kissed his nose before walking him into the dinning room.

An array of food was spread out over the table. Two silver candle sticks were setting off an nice aroma. Their flames flickering in the growing darkness.

"Will your mother be home tonight?" Levi asked after pulling Eren's chair out and pushing him into the table.

"No, she's gone for the next two to four months. Her art show is traveling." He explained.

"Excellent." Levi purred. The two ate together making small talk. Once they were done, Eren was going to clean up, Levi stopped him. Clapping his hands the servants rushed back in to take care of everything. Levi locked the door behind the last one.

"Now, you are all mine. Don't think I didn't forget about your punishment." He purred. He stroked an elegant silver box one of the servants left behind. "Follow me, my love." Levi took the box up to Eren's room. He set the box down on the clean nightstand. Turning he looked at Eren.

"Mmm, why is it you get better looking every time I turn around?" He asked. He walked up to the boy. Pushing his fingers through the soft brown hair, Levi tilted Eren's chin up. He kissed his lips.

When Eren tried to insert his tongue into Levi's mouth, the ravenette drew back. "Ah, ah, this is your punishment, remember." He purred. He walked behind Eren. "I am going to make you cum so hard and so much, you wont recall your own name, my sweet little kitten." Levi whispered into his ear. He nibbled on the ear lobe as he reached under the boys shirt. He pushed it up, running his hands over the soft warm skin.

"Ah, Eren, what you do to me..." Levi cooed as he bit then sucked the skin between Eren's neck and shoulder. His hands found the tiny hard nipples. He pinched them. Eren moaned. Levi rolled the hard buds through his fingers. He pulled them out twisting them as Eren's body shook with the pain and pleasure. Levi continued to suck, lick and kiss his neck.

Without warning he stopped, Shoving the shirt over Eren's head. Eren gasped as the somewhat chilly air hit his skin. Levi's arms were around him again. He undid the pants the boy was wearing. Reaching inside, Levi stroked his fingers down over the shaft. "How much do you think you can take before you cum?" he asked. Eren moaned.

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