A day off

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Eren woke to a heavy weight slamming down beside him on the bed. He lifted his head blinking. The first thing he was aware of was the pain in his body. Everything hurt. He groaned, smashing his head back to the pillow, he didn't want to be awake yet.

The yelling wouldn't let him drift back to sleep. "Who the hell are you?" A familiar voice cried out.

"Who breaks into someone's house?" A snarled response. Eren managed to roll to his side. He rubbed at the sleep in his eyes. What he saw had him sitting up a bit too fast. He yelped out in pain.

Levi, naked, was standing over something on the floor. The teen stood, feet apart hands balled into first. He was obviously ready to fight. Two heads turned to look at the bed. Eren could hardly move his arms. They felt like lead weights. He stared dumbfoundedly at the sandy haired man on the floor.

The dusty beard was slowly turning to red as blood leaked from a split lip. He didn't have his glasses on. One blue eye was turning colors as the skin around it swelled. Eren was surprise to see him in his bedroom.

"Zeke, what are you doing here?" he asked.

"Me, what the hell is he doing here?" Zeke yelled pointing up to Levi.

"That's none of your business!" Levi growled. Eren flinched.

"You're both naked!" Zeke pushed himself back to get away from the dark haired naked man. "Why are you both naked?" He demanded.

"Idiot." Levi sneered. "It rained last night. We got caught in it when we went out for a walk." The teen rolled his eyes. "I didn't have any clothes here and Eren's just aren't my style. We fell asleep waiting for the dryer to finish" He added. Eren was slightly shocked by how easily Levi lied.

"That explains you, but this is Eren's room!" Zeke scowled at the naked boy in the bed.

"I didn't want Levi to feel uncomfortable. Plus the rain made me cold. Body heat is the best way to warm up!" Eren smirked hugging himself. Zeke looked confused.

"Your turn, why are you here?" Levi hissed.

"It's nearly four in the afternoon. Eren wasn't answering his phone. I came to check on him." Zeke stated. Levi gestured to the teen.

"As you can see, he is fine. Now leave." He demanded. The blond turned to look at the small teen.

"Or what? You'll call dear uncle Kenny?" Zeke threw at him.

"Why would I bother my uncle for a useless worm like you. I'm more than capable of ending you existence myself." Levi folded his arms. "Of course you could stay and continue to gawk at two naked teenaged boys. You're over eighteen, right?" Levi raised an eyebrow.

"It's not like that!" Zeke screeched.

"Zeke the peek!" Eren giggled. Zeke's face burned red.

"S, s, stop s, saying that!" Zeke stammered as he fumbled to find the doorway. Eren saw the glasses sitting on his bed. He tossed them awkwardly to Levi. The raven-haired man rolled his eyes but took the spectacles to the older teen.

"Don't come back any time soon. " Levi hissed. Zeke all but ran out of the room. "Why did you call him that?" Levi asked. Eren howled with laughter. It was a good ten minutes before the teen could talk.

"We were on this camping trip and Zeke was with us. He hid in the bushes watching Armin and I skinny dipping. We caught him peeking at us through the bushes. We've called him that ever since." Eren laughed again. Levi's lips finally curved into a smile.

"How did he get inside?" Levi asked.

"Hide a key? Mom thinks I will forget my keys, even though I never have." Eren rolled his eyes. Levi smirked.

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