Council Debacle

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"What is the council other than the governing body of the family?" Armin asked. Eren had asked Levi if the small boy could come with them. Eren had grown to just over six feet, Armin was still short. He was an inch taller than Levi which the two friends found slightly funny. Levi, not so much.

"They consist of elected family heads from around the area." Kenny explained. He was sitting facing them in the back of the large limo. His window was down part way as he smoked. He blew the smoke up through the hole.

"So, my dad could be there?" Eren asked.

"Oh, right, you wouldn't know." Kenny adjusted. "Since Zeke is MIA currently, your dad will be there. This is a full council meeting. Which means the heads of every clan must be in attendance." Kenny stated.

"I wasn't going to tell him that." Levi kicked his uncle. "Now he is just going to worry the entire trip!" He snarled.

"No, uh, no." Eren shook his head. "It's fine." He muttered.

"Yeah, tell that to my hand!" Levi raised his hand where Eren's grip was turning the smaller fingers white. Eren let go.

"Sorry." He muttered. His dad. The man who had told him to kill himself because he was useless to his family. He hadn't seen him in almost four years. Eren turned his head to look out the window. Armin was pestering Kenny about more details of the council and the meeting, Eren zoned out.

Eren only half regretted his choice of clothing now. He wore a pink button up dress shirt, black dress pants and a black open sports coat. It was tame compared to what he normally wore. He did it to show his respect for Levi and Kenny. They had done so much for him. Knowing his dad was going to see him dressed so, normally, for the boy infuriated him. Eren swiped at the angry tears. He hated how he cried when he got too pissed.

"Eren?" A soft voice said. Eren ignored it. The face pressing into his space, he couldn't ignore. He blinked drawing back. Armin was practically sitting in his lap.

"Why are you mad?" He asked. Levi was looking over at them, concern furrowing his brow.

"He's crying not mad!" Levi hissed. Eren smiled at Armin. Armin grinned back.

"I'm sure we can shop for something, more you?" Armin giggled. Levi narrowed his eyes more.

"Brat!" He barked at Eren. Armin moved back seeing he had gotten the result he wanted.

"You didn't know because Eren hasn't been truly pissed around you. When he gets really mad, he cries." Armin informed the ravenette.

"Why are you mad?" Levi demanded.

"My dad is going to see me dressed normally, just what he always wanted." Eren spat swiping at a few more tears.

"Why did you dress like that?" Kenny asked.

"I wanted the council to see I respected you and Levi." Eren whispered. Kenny threw his head back and laughed.

"Kid, we are going shopping. Not only are you buying something more you, you will dress us as well!" Kenny insisted. Eren tried to talk him out of it, but Levi backed his uncles crazy plan. Armin insisted it was for the best. Eren shook his head, a smile on his face.

"You are all crazy!" He cried laughing with them. They reached their destination with about two hours to spare before the meeting. Kenny had left early. He said he had wanted to take them all out to a nice meal before hand. Instead he made Eren shop for them all.

Eren dressed Kenny in a green shinny open front dress shirt. Kenny's thick pelt of chest hair shone through the open front. He wore tight black skinny jeans and calf high three inch heeled boots. A black Fedora topped his main of crinkly wild hair. Levi snickered saying he looked like a 1970's pimp.

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