A night of pleasure

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⚠️ smutt ⚠️

It's been three years since that day. Eren sat up rubbing the sleep from his face. He looked around the bedroom. Levi wasn't there. Shaking his head, he pulled his lanky frame form the bed. He had grown over a foot in the past three years. It didn't stop him from wearing more feminine clothing. Levi didn't seem to mind how tall he was. He liked to joke that Eren was his favorite tree to climb.

Eren walked out into he hall. He had a blue crop top and panties on. Everyone who lived at the Ackerman headquarters took the sight of the tall man in women's clothing as normal, no one ever said anything to him about it. The necklace Levi had given him that day, still dangled around his neck. He was the crown princess of the Ackerman clan.

Eren hadn't heard anything from his father in all the time he was here. His mother checked in from time to time. She found a new boyfriend and seemed pretty happy with her life. His parents had divorced a few months after Eren moved in here. His mother was glad Eren was in a good place.

Eren checked the bathroom first, mostly cause he had to use it. Then he went to search the rest of the house. No Levi in the playroom, or observation rooms, no Levi on the second floor at all. Eren wondered down to the first floor. The kitchen and living rooms were both empty. He headed towards the office.

"He is a Yeager, by blood. You need to make it official." Kenny's voice spoke out from the almost closed door.

"Its official to anyone who needs to know." Levi muttered.

"That maybe, but with Zeke's disappearance..." Eren pushed the door open. He leaned against the door jam.

"What happened to Zeke?" He asked. Levi was sitting at his desk. Kenny was behind his. Over the last year, since Levi graduated, Kenny had been having Levi learn more of the family businesses.

"No one knows. Many think he ran off with some lover." Kenny shrugged.

"Or dad did something?" Eren pondered out loud.

"Your father has been quite docile of late." Kenny smirked. Eren had, had no contact at all from his father since the night he ordered Eren to kill himself. His parents had gotten divorced. Which was easy since they never really were married as Grisha Yeager had a whole other life he hid from them. Kenny had told Eren all about this a few years ago.

"Whatever, I'm tired are you coming up to bed soon?" He asked Levi.

"The council has requested your presence." Levi told him.

"When and why?" Eren muttered. Levi smiled. He rose from his desk coming up to Eren.

"Day after tomorrow, and because there are questions about your loyalties." Levi pulled himself up on Eren's body to kiss his lips. Eren grinned down at him once they separated.

"I'm where I want to be." He told the small ravenette.

"Good answer, now let's go get dick." Levi took his hand. He turned to look at his uncle. "That was all you needed from me wasn't it?" he asked.

"Yeah, go fuck, just have him before the council in forty eight." Kenny waved them away. Eren pulled Levi out of the room.

"You didn't do anything to Zeke, did you?" He asked.

"Now you sound like Kenny." Levi grouched. They walked up to their bedroom. Eren lifted Levi up, pinning him to the wall. His lips locked with the shorter males. Their tongues wrestled for a bit as Eren's larger hands held Levi's wrists above his head.

Eren worked his leg in between Levi's rubbing his knee into the others cock Levi groaned. Eren's free hand pushed up under Levi's shirt. The warmth made the smaller man shudder. Slowly, Eren moved his hand upwards. He pressed it over the quivering stomach up the hard abs, all the way to the nipples that poked into his palm. He rubbed his hand over them as Levi squirmed trapped between him and the wall. Levi moaned. Eren moved his mouth to lick at the hard nubs.

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